Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/236

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[70 Stat. 180]
[70 Stat. 180]


PUBLIC LAW 63a-MAY 19, 1966

[TO S T A T.


Office of the Secretary of Defense: "Salaries and expenses", $769,000; "Office of Public Affairs", $27,500; Interservice activities: "Court of Military Appeals", $41,400; Department of the Navy: "Service-wide supply and jfinance", $7,400,000; "Service-wide operations", $2,180,000; DEPARTJIENT OF DEFENSE—CIVIL FUNCTIONS

Department of the Army: Rivers and harbors and flood control: "General investigations", $100,000; "General expenses", $550,000; "United States Soldiers' Home", $137,000, to be paid from the Soldiers' Home permanent fund; Canal Zone Government: "Operating expenses", $448,000; "Panama Canal Company" (increase of $49,000 in the limitation upon the amount which may be used for administrative expenses); DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE

Food and Drug Administration: "Salaries and expenses", $360,000; Freedmen's Hospital: "Salaries and expenses". $100,000: Gallaudet College: "Salaries and expenses", $9,000; Howard University: "Salaries and expenses", $215,000; Office of Education: "Salaries and expenses", $190,000, to be derived by transfer from the appropriation "Promotion and further development of vocational education"; "Salaries and expenses. White House Conference on Education", $8,000; Office of Vocational Rehabilitation: "Salaries and expenses*", $58,000; Public Health Service: "Assistance to States, general", $161,000; "Venereal diseases", $116,000; "Tuberculosis", $62,000; "Communicable diseases", $146,000; "Sanitary engineering activities", $120,000; "Disease and sanitary investigations and control. Territory of Alaska", $14,000; "Salaries and expenses, hospital construction services", $40.000; "Hospitals and medical care", $1,070,000; "Foreign quarantine service", $150,000: "Indian health activities", $1,150,000: "National Institutes of Health, operating expenses", $30,000: "National Cancer Institute", $150,000: "National Heart Institute", $120,000. of which $90,000 shall be derived by transfer from the appropriation "Construction of housing facilities for animals"; "Dental health activities", $40,000; "Arthritis and metabolic disease activities", $100,000: "Microbiology activities", $195,000; "Salaries and expenses", $154.000; Saint Elizabeths Hospital: "Salaries and expenses", $117,000;