Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/241

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[70 Stat. 185]
[70 Stat. 185]

70 S T A T. ]


PUBLIC LAW 636-MAY 22, 1956

Virginia, across a certain portion of the District of Columbia, to a point in Maryland, together with bridge approaches on property owned by the United States in the State of Virginia: Provided, That nothing in this section or in other sections of this Act shall be construed as authorizing or as requiring the Secretary to construct any ingress or egress approaches to the bridge which will directly connect with or empty into those streets within the corporate limits of the city of Alexandria, Virginia, which are east of Mount Vernon Boulevard (now known as Washington Street) and are now known as Potomac Street, South Lee Street, South Fairfax Street, South Koyal Street, South Pitt Street, South St. Asaph Street, Green Street, and Jefferson Street. " (b) The bridge shall be of deck girder construction, with a movable span of the double-leaf bascule type over the navigable channel having horizontal clearance of approximately one hundred and fifty feet and vertical clearance above mean low water of approximately forty feet, and shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b) of section 502 of the "General Bridge Act of 1946", approved August 2, 1946 (60 Stat. 847), as amended, and subject to the conditions and limitations in this title. "(c) The Secretary shall request the recommendations and suggestions of the National Capital Planning Commission relative to the design of such bridge and approaches and shall consult with the Secretary of the Interior with respect to all plans for overpasses, approaches, interchanges, and connecting roads at both ends of the bridge which affect lands and facilities administered or authorized to be administered by the Department of the Interior. " (d) Upon the completion of the bridge project all lands acquired pursuant to this Act that are located within the authorized boundaries of the George Washington Memorial Parkway, with the exception of such portions thereof that shall be actually occupied by the bridge structure and main approaches leading thereto and the bridge itself, shall be under the administrative control and jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior for purposes of the Parkway." SEC. 2. Section 204 of the said title II is hereby amended by inserting, immediately before the period at the end thereof, the words "and that such bridge will be maintained and operated by the said States". SEC. 3. There shall be transferred to the Department of Commerce so much of the records, property, and funds of the Department of the Interior as may be appropriate by reason of the enactment of the foregoing provisions of this Act. Such measures and dispositions as the Director of the Bureau of the Budget shall deem to be necessary to effectuate the said transfers shall be carried out in such manner as he shall direct and by such agencies as he shall designate. Approved May 22, 1956. Public Law 535



33 USC 525. D e s i g n, reconir mendations.

Jurisdiction, e t c., o f acquired lands.

68 Stat. 964.

Transfer of records, etc.


AN ACT To designate the bridge to be constructed over the Potomac River in the vicinity of Jones Point, Virginia, as the "Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge".

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the bridge to be constructed over the Potomac River from a point at or near Jones Point, Virginia, across a certain portion of the District of Columbia, to a point in Maryland, under the provisions of title II of

May 22, 1956 [H. R. 8130]

Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge.