Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/245

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[70 Stat. 189]
[70 Stat. 189]

70 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 6 4 0 - M A Y 28, 1966



SEC. 103. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of Agriculture (hereinafter referred to as the "Secretary") is authorized and directed to formulate and carry out an acreage reserve program for the 1956, 1957, 1968, and 1959 crops of wheat, cotton, corn produced in the commercial corn-productng area, peanuts, rice, flue-cured tobacco, hurley tobacco, Maryland tobacco, dark aircured tobacco, fire-cured tobacco, Virginia sun-cured tobacco, cigar binder tobacco types 51, 52, 54, and 55, Ohio cigar filler tobacco types 42, 43, and 44, respectively (hereinafter referred to as "the commodity"), under which producers shall be compensated for reducing their acreages of the commodity below their farm acreage allotments or their farm base acreages, whichever may be applicable. To be eligible for such compensation the producer (1) shall reduce his acreage of the commodity below his farm acreage allotment or farm base acreage, whichever may be applicable, within such limits as the Secretary may prescribe, (2) shall specifically designate the acreage so withdrawn from the production of such commodity (hereinafter referred to as the "reserve acreage"), and (3) shall not harvest any crop from, or graze, the reserve acreage unless the Secretary, after certification b}'^ the Governor of the State in which such acreage is situated of the need for grazing on such acreage, determines that it is necessary to permit grazing thereon in order to alleviate damage, hardship, or suffering caused by severe drought, flood, or other natural disaster, and consents to such grazing. Reserve acreage of a commodity may include acreage whether or not planted to the production of the 1956 crop of the commodity prior to the announcement of the acreage reserve program for the 1956 crop if the crop thereon, if any, shall be plowed under or otherwise physically incorporated into the soil, or clipped, mowed, or cut to prevent maturing so that the reduction in acreage of the commodity below the acreage allotment occurs not later than 21 days after the enactment of this title, or by such later date as may be fixed by the Secretary. The reserve acreage shall be in addition to any acreage devoted to the conservation reserve program authorized under subtitle B of this title. The acreage reserve program may include such terms and conditions, in addition to those specifically provided for herein, including provisions relating to control of noxious weeds on the reserve acreage, as the Secretary determines are desirable to effectuate the purposes of this title and to facilitate the practical administration of the acreage reserve program. Before any producer is entitled to receive any compensation for participating in the acreage reserve program, he must first enter into a contract with the Secretary, which contract, in addition to such other terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Secretary, shall contain provisions' by which such producer shall agree: (i) I n the event that the Secretary determines that there has been a violation of the contract at any stage during the time such producer has control of the farm and that such violation is of such a substantial nature as to warrant termination of the contract, to forfeit all rights to payments or grants under the contract, and to refund to the United States all payments' and ^ a n t s received by him thereunder: Provided, however, That the provisions of Section 107(d) shall apply to the termination of any contract hereunder. (ii) I n the event that the Secretary determines that there has been a violation of the contract but that such violation is of such a nature as not to warrant termination of the contract, to accept such payment ad-


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