Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/250

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[70 Stat. 194]
[70 Stat. 194]


PUBLIC LAW 540-MAY 28, 1966

[70 S T A T.


Report to C o n gresst

SEC. 108. (a) The Secretary shall not later than February 1 of each year determine and announce the national conservation reserve goal for such year. Such goal shall be that percentage which the Secretary determines it is practicable to cover by contracts during such year of the number of acres, if any, by which (1) the acreage used for the production of agricultural commodities during the year preceding the year for which such determination is made, plus any acreage then in the acreage or conservation reserve program or retired from production as a result of acreage allotments or marketing quotas, exceeds (2) the acreage needed during the year for which such determination is made for the production of agricultural commodities for domestic consumption and export and an adequate allowance for carryover. As soon as practicable after the enactment of this title the Secretary shall determine the national conservation acreage goal for 1956. (b) In distributing the national acreage goal among the various States and major crop production regions, the Secretary shall give due regard to the respective needs of the various States and regions for flood control, drought control, and other conservation benefits; the desires of producers in particular States or regions to participate in the conservation program; the diversion of acreage from crops under acreage allotments or marketing quotas; and the need to assure adequate production of agricultural commodities and products not in surplus and to discourage the production of agricultural commodities and products in surplus. (c) The Secretary shall transmit to the Congress on or before March 15 of each year a report of the scope of the conservation reserve program for the preceding year and the basis for participation in such program in the various States and major crop production regions of the country. AUTHORIZED PERIOD OF CONTRACTS A N D EXPENDITURES

SEC. 109. (a) The Secretary is authorized to formulate and announce programs under this subtitle B and to enter into contracts thereunder with producers during the five-year period 1956-1960 to be carried out during the period ending not later than December 31, 1969, except that contracts for the establishment of tree cover may continue until December 31, 1974. (b) The period covered by any contract shall not exceed ten years, excejDt that contracts for the establishment of tree cover may extend for 15 years. (c) In carrying out the conservation reserve program, the Secretary shall not enter into contracts with producers which would require payments to producers, including the cost of materials and services, in excess of $450,000,000 in any calendar year. TERMINATION A N D M O D I F I C A T I O N OF CONTRACTS

SEC. 110. (a) The Secretary may terminate any contract with a producer by mutual agreement with the producer if the Secretary determines that such termination would be in the public interest. (b) The Secretary may agree to such modification of contracts previously entered into as he may determine to be desirable to carry out the purposes of this title and to facilitate the practical administration of the conservation reserve program.