Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/282

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[70 Stat. 226]
[70 Stat. 226]


Judicial p r o c e s s.



PUBLIC LAW 560-JUNE 4, 1966

inspection shall be revoked, and the owner, master, or agent of said vessel shall immediately be given notice, in writing, of such revocation; and no new certificate of inspection shall be again issued to her until the provisions of this title or Acts amendatory or supplementary thereto have been complied with. Any vessel subject to the provisions of this title or Acts amendatory or supplementary thereto operating or navigating or attempting to operate or navigate after the revocation of her certificate of inspection and before the issuance of a new certificate, shall, upon application by a department or agency charged with the enforcement of such title or Acts, to any district court of the United States having jurisdiction, and by proper order or action of said court in the premises, be seized summarily by way of libel and held without privilege of rele^ase by bail or bond until a proper certificate of inspection shall have been issued to said vessel: Provided, That the owner, master, or person in charge of any vessel whose certificate shall have been so revoked may within thirty days after receiving notice of such revocation appeal to the head of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating for a rexamination of the case, and upon such appeal the said head of the department shall have power to revise, modify, or set aside such action of revocation, and direct the issuance to such vessel of her original certificate or of a new certificate of inspection; and in case the said head of the department shall so direct the issuance of a certificate,, all judicial process against said vessel based on this section shall thereupon be of no further force or effect, and the vessel shall thereupon be released." SEC. 5. Section 4454 of the Revised Statutes, as amended (U.S.C. 1952 edition, title 46, sec. 436), is amended by deleting the word "steamer" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "inspected vessel"; and by deleting the words "Coast Guard" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "examining". Approved June 4, 1956. Public Law 550

June 4, 1956 [S. 1378]

[70 8 T A T.


To clarify and consolidate the authority to require the establishment, maintenance, and operation of aids to maritime navigation on fixed structures in or over navigable waters of the United States.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the na^^tion?^*^""* United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 85 of 63 Stat. *o 1. 5 title 14, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: "§ 85. Aids to maritime navigation on fixed structures; penalty "The Secretary shall prescribe and enforce necessary and reasonable rules and regulations, for the protection of maritime navigation, relative to the establishment, maintenance, and operation of lights and other signals on fixed structures in or over navigable waters of the United States. Any owner or operator of such a structure, excluding an agency of the United States, who violates any of the rules or regulations prescribed hereunder, commits a misdemeanor and shall be punished, upon conviction thereof, by a fine of not exceeding $100 for each day during which such violation continues." SEC. 2. Section 18 of the Federal Water Power Act, as amended 41 Stat. 1073. (U.S.C. 1946 edition, title 16, sec. 811), is further amended by striking out the words "Secretary of W a r " in the first sentence and inserting in lieu thereof the words "Secretary of the Department in which the Coast Guard is operating".