Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/351

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[70 Stat. 295]
[70 Stat. 295]




PUBLIC LAW 5 9 7 - J U N E 19, 1956

(c) For the purposes of this section the "Federal share" for any State shall be 100 per centum less the State percentage and the State percentage shall be that percentage which bears the same ratio to 50 per centum as the per capita income of such State bears to the jjer capita income of the continental United States (excluding Alaska), except that (1) the Federal share shall in no case be more than 66 per centum or less than 33 per centum, and (2) the Federal share for Hawaii shall be 50 per centum and for Alaska, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands shall be 66 per centum. (a) The "Federal share" for each State shall be promulgated by the Commissioner between July 1 and August 31 of each even-numbered year, on the basis of the average of the per capita incomes of the States and of the continental United States (excluding Alaska) for the three most recent consecutive years for which satisfactory data are available from the Department of Commerce. Such promulgation shall be conclusive for each of the two fiscal years in the period beginning July 1 next succeeding such promulgation: Provided, That the Commissioner shall promulgate such percentages as soon as possible after the enactment of this Act to be effective until July 1, 1957. (e) No portion of any money paid to a State under this Act shall be applied, directly or indirectly, to the purchase or erection of any building or buildings, or for the purchase of any land. (f) No portion of any money paid to a State under this Act shall be used, directly or indirectly, to provide or improve library services in any area other than a rural area; except that nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit the utilization of such money by public libraries in nonrural areas for the exclusive purpose of extending public library services to rural areas, if such utilization has been provided for in an approved State plan covering the areas affected.

"Federal share*. Post, p. 9 1 1.




SEC. 7. If the Commissioner finds after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State agency administering or supervising the administration of the State plan approved under this Act, that the State plan has been so changed that it no longer complies with the requirements of this Act or that in the administration of the plan there is a failure to comply substantially with the provisions required to be included in the plan, he shall notify such State agency that further payments will not be made to the State under this Act until he is satisfied that there is no longer any such failure to comply. Until he is so satisfied, he shall make no further certification to the Secretary of the Treasury with respect to such State: Provided, That any State or State agency is entitled to judicial review in the United States District Court wherein the State or State agency is located of any such withholding determination in accordance with applicable provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act. ADMINISTRATION

SEC. 8. (a) The Commissioner shall administer this Act under the supervision and direction of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, and shall, with the approval of the Secretary, prescribe such regulations as may be necessary for the administration of this Act. (b) The Commissioner is also authorized to make such studies, investigations, and reports as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this Act, including periodic reports for public distribution as to the values, methods, and results of various

60 Stat. 237. 5 USC 1001 note.