Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/474

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[70 Stat. 418]
[70 Stat. 418]


PUBLIC LAW 634-JUNE 29, 1956

[70 S T A T.


38 USC*963f*964, 966. ' ' 38 use901 note, 38 USC 963J 964.

SEC. 312. (a) An eligible person shall receive the benefits of this title while enrolled in a course of education offered by an educational institution only if such course is approved in accordance with the provisions of this section. (b) Any course offered by an educational institution (as defined in this Act) shall be considered approved for the purposes of this title if it is approved under either section 253 or section 254 of the Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952 prior to the date for the expiration of all education and training thereunder, and has not been disapproved under the provisions of section 256 of that Act. (c) Subsequent to the date for the expiration of all education and training under the Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1952, the Administrator shall be responsible for the approval of any additional courses for the purposes of this title. In approving such a course, the criteria of section 253 and section 254 of that Act, as now or as hereafter amended, shall be applicable to approvals under this subsection and the Administrator may utilize the services of State educational agencies in connection therewith. D I S C O N T I N U A N C E OF ALLOWANCES

SEC. 313. The Administrator may discontinue the educational assistance allowance of any eligible person if he finds that the course of education in which the eligible person is enrolled fails to meet any of the requirements of this Act or any of the standards and criteria of section 253 or 254 of the Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 38 USC 963, 964. ^952 OT if he finds that the educational institution offering such course has violated any provision of this Act or fails to meet any of its requirements.


SEC. 401. The purpose of special restorative training is to overcome, or lessen, the effects of a manifest physical or mental disability which would handicap an eligible person in the pursuit of a program of education. ENTITLEMENT TO SPECIAL RESTORATIVE T R A I N I N G

SEC. 402. (a) The Administrator at the request of the parent or guardian of an eligible person is authorized— (1) to determine whether such person is in need of special restorative training; and (2) where need is found to exist, to prescribe a course which is suitable to accomplish the purposes of this title. Such a course, at the discretion of the Administrator, may contain elements that would contribute toward an ultimate objective of a program of education. (b) In no event shall the total period of educational assistance under this title and other titles of this Act exceed the am.ount of

  • ' •" entitlement as established in section 202, and the provisions of section

203 shall be applicable.