Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/518

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[70 Stat. 462]
[70 Stat. 462]


PUBLIC LAW 639-JULY 2, 1956

[70 S T A T.

ests therein, laaj be acquired and construction prosecuted thereon prior to approval of title by the Attorney General as required by 33 USC 733 and section 355, Revised Statutes, as amended; and procurement of plant note. equipment, appliances, and machine tools, and installation thereof in public or private plants; $294,000,000, to remain available until expended. ORDNANCE AND FACILITIES

For expenses necessary for inspection, testing, modification, alteration, preservation, and handling of ordnance and ammunition; maintenance of ordnance (except installation, maintenance, and removal of aliips' ordnance, and line maintenance of ordnance installed in aircraft); maintenance and operation of ordnance facilities; procurement of equipment, supplies, special clothing and services; procurement of plant equipment, appliances, and machine tools, and installation thereof in naval plants; lease of facilities; industrial mobilization; and departmental salaries; $163,680,000. ORDNANCE FOR NEAV CONSTRUCTION

63 Stat. 407.

The limit on the total of obligations which may be incurred under this head for armor, armament, and ammunition for construction, conversion, or replacement approved between July 17, 1947, and June 30, 1951, is reduced from "$356,123,000" to "$335,123,000", and the authority to enter into contracts heretofore granted under this head is reduced by the sum of "$21,000,000". Appropriations under this head shall not be available for obligation after June 30, 1957, or for expenditure after June 30, 1958, and any unexpended balance remaining therein on June 30, 1958, shall be disposed of pursuant to the provisions of the Surplus Fund-Certified Claims Act of 1949 (31 U.S.C. 712b). ^MEDICAL CARE

For expenses necessary for maintenance and operation of naval hospitals, medical centers, clinics, schools, and other medical activities; technical medical support of the supply system and other naval activities; procurement of ambulances, medical and dental supplies, equipment and services; instruction of medical personnel in naval hospitals, naval schools, and civilian schools; industrial mobilization; care of the dead; and departmental salaries; $61,323,000. Civil. ENGINEERING

For expenses necessary for maintenance and operation of district public works offices, public works centers, construction battalion centers, defense housing projects, other civil engineering facilities, and shore activities not otherwise provided for; procurement of services, supplies, and equipment for the foregoing activities; purchase and hire of passenger motor vehicles; engineering services; industrial mobilization; and departmental salaries; $129,600,000. MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, NAVAL RESERVE FORCES

For construction, acquisition, expansion, rehabilitation, and conversion of facilities for the training and administration of the reserve components of the Navy and Marine Corps, including contributions therefor, as authorized by the Act of September 11, 1950 (64 Stat. 40 USC 259"267*. 829), as amended, without regard to section 3734, Revised Statutes, as amended, and land and interests therein may be acquired and construction prosecuted tlieieon prior to the approval of title by the