Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/639

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[70 Stat. 583]
[70 Stat. 583]

70 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 737-JULY 20, 1956

basic pay which is in excess of his years of active commissioned service and which when added to his years of active commissioned service, equals the number of days, months and years by which his age at time of appointment exceeds age 27. (4) A period (not to exceed eight years) equal to the days, months and years by which his age exceeds twenty-seven, for not more than two hundred appointees who— (A) are outstanding specialists in a critical field in accordance with criteria prescribed by the Secretary of the Army and approved hj the President; and (B) are appointed within two years after the effective date of this Act. (5) A period (not to exceed two years) equal to the days, months and years by which his age exceeds twenty-seven. (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person who was a cadet at the United States Military Academy, the United States Naval Academy or the United States Air Force Academy may be originally appointed in a commissioned grade in the Regular Army before the date on which his classmates at that Academy are graduated and appointed as officers. No person who was a cadet at, but did not graduate from, an Academy may be credited, upon appointment as a commissioned officer of the Regular Army, with longer service than that credited to any member of his class at that Academy whose service in the Army has been continuous since graduation. (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a cadet at the United States Military Academy who completes the prescribed course of instruction may, upon graduation, be appointed a second lieutenant in the Regular Army, Whenever such an appointment or the appointment in the Regular Army, upon graduation, of a graduate of the United States Naval Academy or the United States Air Force Academy, results in there being a number of active-list commissioned officers in the Regular Army in excess of the authorized strength in those officers, that strength is temporarily increased as necessary for that appointment. Rank among the graduates of each class at such an Academy who, upon graduation, are appointed in the Regular Army shall be fixed under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army. A graduate of the United States Military Academy, the United States Naval Academy, or the United States Air Force Academy who is appointed as a second lieutenant in the Regular Army is not entitled to any service credit under this title. SEC. 104. Based on the service credited under this title, the commissioned grade in which a person is appointed under this title is that which is held by the junior officer on the applicable promotion list who is not a deferred officer or an officer considered but not recommended for promotion under section 518, Officer Personnel Act of 1947 (10 U.S.C. 559i), having the same or next longer service, and the name of an officer so appointed shall be placed on that list immediately below such officer. SEC. 105. The years of service for promotion credited to an officer under this title, or under other provisions of law, except service credited under section 103 (A)(1) and (2) of this title plus his subsequent active commissioned service in the Regular Army, shall be considered "years' service" within the meaning of section 514 of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947, as amended (10 U.S.C. 559c, 941a), if greater than that with which he would be credited under those provisions. SEC. 106. This title does not apply to the appointment of officers of the Army Nurse Corps or the Army Medical Specialist Corps.


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