Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/641

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[70 Stat. 585]
[70 Stat. 585]

70 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 737-JULY 20, 1956


appointment. In addition and for the same purposes, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Air Force— (1) a person appointed under this title while on active duty in the Air Force may be credited with not more than two years of service; and (2) a person appointed under section 201(d) of this title may be credited with not more than eight years of service. (b) A person appointed in the Regular Air Force under this title specialists, with a view to designation in one of the following categories shall be credited at the time of his appointment, in addition to the service with which he is credited under subsection (a), and for the purposes of determining grade, position on a promotion list, seniority in regular grade, and eligibility for promotion, with the following service: (1) Veterinarian: Three years. (2) Chaplain: Three years. (3) Judge advocate: Three years. (c) Under such regulations as the Secretary of the Air Force may prescribe, a person who is originally appointed in a commissioned grade in the Regular Air Force with a view to designation as a medical service officer, and who, at the time of appointment, holds a degree of doctor of philosophy or a comparable degree in a science allied to medicine, so recognized by the Secretary, may be credited at the time of his appointment, in addition to the service with which he is credited under subsection (a), and for the same purposes, with three years of service. (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person who gr^uatt*.*"^ "*'"' was a cadet at the United States Air Force Academy, the United States Military Academy, or the United States Naval Academy may be originally appointed in a commissioned grade in the Regular Air Force before the date on which his classmates at that Academy are graduated and appointed as officers. No person who was a cadet at, but did not graduate from, an x4.cademy may be credited, upon appointment as a commissioned officer of the Regular Air Force, with longer service than that credited to any member of his class at that Academy whose service in the Air Force, or in the Army and the Air Force, has been continuous since graduation. (e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a cadet at the ^^^^^"'^ gradlinited States Air Force Academy who completes the prescribed course of instruction may, upon graduation, be appointed a second lieutenant in the Regular Air Force. Whenever such an appointment or the appointment in the Regular Air Force, upon graduation, of a graduate of the United States Naval Academy or the United States Military Academy, results in there being a number of active list commissioned officers in the Regular Air Force in excess of the authorized strength in those officers, that strength is temporarily increased as necessary for that appointment. Rank among the graduates of each class at such an Academy who, upon graduation, are appointed in the Regular Air Force, shall be fixed under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Air Force. A graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, United States Military Academy or United States Naval Academy who is appointed as a second lieutenant in the Regular Air Force is not entitled to any service credit under this title. SEC. 204. Based on the service credited under this title, the commis- Rank. sioned grade in which a person is appointed under this title is: (1) For persons with less than three years of service: Second lieutenant. (2) For persons with at least three, but less than seven, years of service: First lieutenant. (3) For persons with at least seven, but less than fourteen, years of service: Captain.