Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/643

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[70 Stat. 587]
[70 Stat. 587]

70 S T A T. ]


PUBLIC LAW 737-JULY 20, 1956

under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Air Force. (b) Each officer who, as a result of being credited with service under this section, becomes eligible for mandatory consideration for promotion under section 509 of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947 (10 U.S.C. 559c) shall be considered by the next regularly convened 61 Stat. 894. selection board considering officers of his grade and category. A j stm SEC. 209. An officer whose years' service is readjusted under section date dorurank.e n t of 207 or 208 of this title may have his date of rank in permanent grade and his position on the applicable promotion list adjusted to reflect his increased years' service. Active l i s t, inSEO. 210. Section 202(b) of the Army and Air Force Authorization crease. Act of 1949 (10 U.S.C. 20s (b)) is amended by striking out the 64 Stat. 323. words "twenty-seven thousand five hundred" and inserting the figure "69,425" in lieu thereof. SEC. 211. This title does not apply to the appointment of persons Nonappiicabiiappointed with a view to designation as medical officers, dental officers, Air Force nurses, or Air Force medical specialists. TITLE III MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

SEC. 301. The Secretary of Defense, with the approval of the President, shall project annually for the ensuing five years the active duty Kegular commissioned list strength in each of the armed services (exclusive of any additional extra numbers authorized by special provision of law). SEC. 302. Section 503(a) of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 885; 10 U.S.C. 506a (a)) is amended to read as follows: " (a)(1) The authorized strength of the Kegular Army in general officers on the active list, exclusive of the number authorized for the Army Medical Service and the chaplains, is seventy-five tenthousandths of the authorized strength of the Regular Army in commissioned officers on the active list, exclusive of the number of commissioned officers on the active list authorized for the Army Medical Service and the chaplains. Of this authorized strength, not more than one-half may be in a regular grade above brigadier general. The authorized strength of each of the following branches— (A) the Medical Corps; (B) the Dental Corps; (C) the Veterinary Corps; and (D) the Chaplains; in general officers on the active list of the Regular Army is five onethousandths of the authorized strength of the branch concerned in commissioned officers on the active list of the Regular Army. Not more than one-half of the authorized strength in general officers in such a branch may be in a regular grade above brigadier general. When the application of the percentages and ratios specified in this subsection results in a fraction, a fraction of one-half or more is counted as one, and a fraction of less than one-half is disregarded. General officers on the active list of the Regular Army who are specifically authorized by law to hold any civil office under the United States, or any instrumentality thereof, are not counted in determining authorized strength under this Act. "(2) The authorized strength of the Regular Air Force in general officers on the active list is seventy-five ten-thousandths of the authorized strength of the Regular Air Force in commissioned officers on the active list. Of this authorized strength, not more than one-half may be in a regular grade above brigadier general. However, the number of officers on the active list of the Regular Air Force in any regular

Regular officer strength. Projection.

Authorized strength. Army.

Air Force.