Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/697

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[70 Stat. 641]
[70 Stat. 641]

70 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 792-JULY 25, 1956

tion hereinafter authorized^ (2) all construction undertaken by the Armed Forces in establishing and maintaining the cemetery prior to its transfer to the Commission shall be nonpermanent in nature, (3) burials and reburials therein by the Armed Forces shall be carried out in accordance with plans prepared by the Commission, (4) the Armed Forces shall have the right to re-enter any cemeteries transferred to the Commission for the purpose of making exhumations or reinterments should they deem any such action to be necessary." (b) Section 3 of such Act is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 3. The Commission shall prepare plans and estimates for the erection of suitable memorials to commemorate the services of the American Armed Forces, and shall erect and maintain memorials in the United States and at such places outside the United States where the American Armed Forces have served since April 6, 1917, or shall hereafter serve, as the Commission shall determine. The Commission shall also erect and maintain works of architecture and art in such American cemeteries located outside of the United States, its Territories, and possessions, as have been or may hereafter be declared to be permanent cemeteries. Works of architecture and art erected by the Commission in cemeteries within the United States, its Territories and possessions, shall be maintained by the Department of Defense. "The Commission shall control as to materials and design and provide regulations for, and supervise the erection of, all memorial monuments and buildings in American cemeteries located outside the United States, its Territories, and possessions. "The Commission shall control as to design and provide regulations for the erection of all memorial monuments and buildings commemorating the services of the American Armed Forces erected in any foreign country or political division thereof which may authorize the Commission to perform such functions." (c) Section 4 of such Act is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 4. Before any design for any memorial is accepted by the Commission, it shall be approved by the National Commission of Fine Arts." SEC. 4. (a) Section 9 of such Act is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 9. The records and archives of the Commission, shall, when no longer required by the Commission, be deposited with the National Archives in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Kecords Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C. 397)." (b) Section 10 of such Act is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 10. The President may by Executive order transfer to the Commission, with respect to any permanent military cemeteries located outside of the United States, its Territories and possessions, the same functions of administration which were transferred to the Commission by Executive Order 6614, dated February 26, 1934, and Executive Order 10057, dated May 14, 1949, as amended by Executive Order 10087, dated December 3, 1949, together with any supplies, materials and equipment located therein or in military depots overseas which are excess to the needs of the Department of Defense and are requested by the Commission for the performance of such functions. Thereafter the Commission shall be responsible for the maintenance of such cemetery and of all improvements therein." (c) Section 12 of such Act is amended by— (1) striking out the words "such purposes" in the first paragraph thereof, and inserting in lieu thereof the words "the purposes of this Act"; (2) inserting in the second paragraph thereof, immediately after the word "outside", a comma and the words "or for use outside,"; and, 69225 O - 57 - 45 ( V o l. 70)


36 USC 123. Memorials. Powers and duties.

36 USC 124. Design. Approval. 36 USC 138. R e c o r d s and archives.

36 USC 132. A d m i n 1 strative functions. Transfer.

36 USC 132 notes.

60 Stat. 317. 36 USC 138b.