Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/763

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[70 Stat. 707]
[70 Stat. 707]

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PUBLIC LAW 828-JULY 28, 1956

SEC. 15. Section 943 of such Act is amended to read as follows:

22 USC 1158.


"SEC. 943. The Secretary shall, under such regulations as he may prescribe, provide for physical examinations for applicants for employment and for officers and employees of the Service who are citizens of the United States, and for their dependents, including examinations necessary to establish disability or incapacity in accordance with the provisions of section 831, and snail provide for administering inoculations or vaccinations to such officers and employees and their dependents." SEC. 16. (a) Foreign Service officers presently serving in the class of career ambassador and the class of career minister shall receive the salary prescribed for career ambassadors and for career ministers, respectively, by section 412 of such Act, as amended. (b) Foreign Service officers and Reserve officers in the other classes shall be transferred to the new classes established by section 412 of such Act, as amended, as follows: Officers of class 1 to the new class 1; officers of class 2 to the new class 2; officers of class 3 to the new class 3; officers of class 4 to the new classes 4 or 5 as determined by the Secretary, in accordance with the second sentence of this subsection; officers of class 5 to the new class 6; and officers of class 6 to the new class 7. In accordance with such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe there shall be transferred to the new class 4 those officers of the present class 4 who either are receiving the sixth through the eighth step rates of the present class 4 or who were eligible and were recommended for promotion by the selection board next preceding the effective date of this Act. All remaining officers in the present class 4 shall be transferred to the new class 5. (c) Each officer transferred pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section shall, under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, receive basic salary at that one of the rates of the class to which he is transferred which shall, as nearly as possible, correspond to the salary he is receiving at the time of transfer, except that no officer shall suffer a reduction in basic salary as a result thereof. (d) Service in a former class shall be considered as constituting service in the new class for the purposes of determining (1) eligibility for promotion, in accordance with the provisions of section 622, and (2) liability for separation, in accordance with the provisions of section 633. Officers who are transferred to new class 7 in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section shall continue to occupy probationary status pursuant to section 635. (e) Officers transferred in accordance with the provisions of this section shall receive credit for time served in a previous class toward in-class promotion in accordance with section 625. (f) The class and salary adjustments made pursuant to paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section and the salary increases for chiefs of mission authorized by section 2 of this Act shall be made effective as of the first day of the first pay period which begins after the date of enactment of this Act or on the first day of the first pay period which begins after July 1, 1956, whichever shall be later.

22 USC 1081.

Ante, p. 704.

22 USC 992. 22 USC 1003. 22 USC 1005. Ante, p. 704. 22 USC 995. Effective date.