Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/812

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[70 Stat. 756]
[70 Stat. 756]


PUBLIC LiAW 864-JULY 31, 1956



" (g) Any annuity accrued and unpaid upon the termination (other than by death) of the annuity of any annuitant or survivor annuitant shall be paid to such person. Any survivor annuity accrued and unpaid upon the death of any survivor annuitant shall be paid in the following order of precedence, and such payment shall be a bar to recovery by any other person: "First, to the duly appointed executor or administrator of the estate of the survivor annuitant; "Second, if there is no such executor or administrator, payment may be made, after the expiration of thirty days from the date of death of such survivor annuitant, to such next of kin of the survivor annuitant as may be determined by the Commission to be entitled under the laws of the survivor annuitant's domicile at the time of his death. "ADDITIONAL Voluntary contributions.

R e d u c e d additional annuity.

Separation prior to or after eligibliity.

Death prior to retirement. Payment of voluntary c o n t r i b u tion.


"SEC. 12. (a) Any employee or Member may, under regulations prescribed by the Commission, voluntarily contribute additional sums in multiples of $25, but the total may not exceed 10 per centum of his basic salary for his creditable service from and after August 1, 1920. The voluntary contribution account in each case shall oe the sum of such unrefunded contributions, plus interest at 3 per centum per annum compounded annually to date of separation or transfer to a position not within the purview of this Act or, in case of an individual who is separated with title to a deferred annuity and does not claim the voluntary contribution account, to the commencing date fixed for such deferred annuity or date of death, whichever is earlier. (b) Such voluntary contribution account shall be used to purchase at retirement an annuity in addition to the annuity otherwise provided. For each $100 in such voluntary contribution account, the additional annuity shall consist of $7, increased by 20 cents for each full year, if any, such employee or Member is over the age of fifty-five years at the date of retirement. "(c) A retiring employee or Member may elect a reduced additional annuity in lieu of the additional annuity described in subsection (b) and designate in writing a person to receive after his death an annuity of 50 per centum of his reduced additional annuity. The additional annuity of the employee or Member making such election shall be reduced by 10 per centum, and by 5 per centum for each full five years the person designated is younger than the retiring employee or Member, but such total reduction shall not exceed 40 per centum. " (d) Any employee or Member who is separated from the service before becoming eligible for immediate or deferred annuity or who transfers to a position wherein he does not continue subject to this Act shall be paid the voluntary contribution account. Any employee or Member who is separated irom the service after becoming eligible for a deferred annuity under section 8 may elect to receive, in lieu of additional annuity, the voluntary contribution account, provided his separation occurs and application for payment is filed with the Commission at least thirty-one days before the commencing date of annuity. " (e) If any present or former employee or Member not retired dies, the voluntary contribution account shall be paid under the provisions of section 11(c). If all additional annuities or any right thereto based on the voluntary contribution account of a deceased employee or Member terminate before the total additional annuity paid equals such account, the difference shall be paid under the provisions of section 11 (c).