Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/830

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[70 Stat. 774]
[70 Stat. 774]


8 Stat. 484. 34 Stat. 2905.

R e l inquishment of consular jurisdiction i n MorocCO.

22 USC 141-183.

PUBLIC LAW 8 57-AUG. 1, 1956

Indian lands. Subsurface storage of oil or g a s.


treaty with such countries and in accordance with usage in such countries; and Whereas the consuls of the United States in Morocco are permitted to exercise jurisdiction over American nationals under the treaty between the United States and Morocco signed September 16, 1836, and the Act of Algeciras signed April 7, 1906; and the exercise by custom and usage the same jurisdiction over subjects of Morocco or others who may be designated as "proteges" under the Convention of Madrid signed July 3, 1880; and Whereas Morocco is now the only foreign country where the consuls of the United States exercise such jurisdiction; and Whereas it is the policy of the United States to discontinue the exercise of extraterritorial jurisdiction in Morocco at such time as it becomes appropriate: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the relinquishment by the President, at such time as he considers this appropriate, of the consular jurisdiction of the United States in Morocco is hereby approved and sections 1693, 4083 to 4091, inclusive, 4097 to 4122, inclusive, and 4125 to 4130, inclusive, of the Revised Statutes, as amended, are repealed effective upon- the date which the President determines to be appropriate for the relinquishment of such jurisdiction, except so far as may be necessary to dispose of cases then pending in the consular courts in Morocco. Approved August 1, 1956.

Public Law 857 August 1, 1956 [S. 3658]



AN ACT To amend the Act of May 11, 1938 (52 Stat. 347), so as to authorize, by agreement, the subsurface storage of oil or gas in restricted Indian lands, tribal or allotted. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of AineHca in Congress assembled, That the Act of May 11, 1938 (52 Stat. 347), is amended by adding at the end thereof (25 U.S.C. 396d) a new section 8 as follows: "The Secretary of the Interior, to avoid waste or to promote the conservation of natural resources or the welfare of the Indians, is hereby authorized in his discretion to approve leases of lands that are subject to lease under section 1 of this Act or the Act of March 3, 1909 (35 Stat. 783, 25 U. S. V. 396), for the subsurface storage of oil and gas, irrespective of the lands from which initially produced, and the Secretary is hereby authorized, in order to provide for the subsurface storage of oil or gas, to approve modifications, amendments, or extensions of the oil and gas or other mining lease (s), if any, in effect as to restricted Indian lands, tribal or allotted, and may promulgate rules and regulations consistent with such leases, modifications, amendments, and extensions, relating to the storage of oil or gas thereunder. Any such leases may provide for the payment of a storage fee or rental on such stored oil or gas or, in lieu of such fee or rental, for a royalty other than that prescribed in the lease when such stored oil or gas is produced in conjunction with oil or gas not previously produced. I t may be provided that any oil and gas lease under which storage of oil or ^as IS so authorized shall be continued in effect at least for the period of such storage use and so long thereafter as oil or gas not previously produced is produced in paying quantities." Approved August 1, 1956.