Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/908

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[70 Stat. 852]
[70 Stat. 852]


42 USC 1301.

PUBLIC LAW 880-,AUG. 1, 1956

[70 8TAT,

"(d) Payments pursuant to subsection (c) shall be made in advance on the basis of estimates by the Secretary and adjustments may be made in future payments under this section to take account of overpayments or underpayments in amounts previously paid. "(e) The amount of any allotment to a State under subsection (b) for any fiscal year which the State certifies to the Secretary will not be required for carrying out the purposes of this section in such State shall be available for reallotment from time to time, on such dates as the Secretary may fix, to other States which the Secretary determines have need in carrying out such purposes for sums in excess of those previously allotted to them under this section and will be able to use such excess amounts during such fiscal year; such reallotments to be made on the basis provided in subsection (b) for the initial allotments to the States. Any amount so reallotted to a State shall be deemed part of its allotment under such subsection." g^^ 333 Section 1101(a)(1) of the Social Security Act is amended by striking out "titles I, IV, V, X, and XIV" and inserting in lieu thereof "titles I, IV, V, VII, X, and XIV". PART V—^AMENDMENTS TO MATCHING FORMULAS AMENDMENT TO MATCHING FORMULA FOR OLD-AGE ASSISTANCE

Ante, p. 848.

gj;c. 341. Section 3(a) of the Social Security Act is amended to read as follows: "(a) From the sums appropriated therefor, the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay to each State which has an approved plan for oldage assistance, for each quarter, beginning with the quarter commencing October 1, 1956, (1) in the case of any State other than Puerto Kico and the Virgin Islands, an amount equal to the sum of the following proportions of the total amounts expended during such quarter as old-age assistance under the State plan, not counting so much of such expenditure with respect to any individual for any month as exceeds $60— "(A) four-fifths of such expenditures, not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as exceeds the product of $30 multiplied by the total number of such individuals who received old-age assistance for such month; plus "(B) one-half of the amount by which such expenditures exceed the maximum which may be counted under clause (A); and (2) in the case of Puerto Eico and the Virgin Islands, an amount, which shall be used exclusively as old-age assistance, equal to one-half of the total of the sums expended during such quarter as old-age assistance under the State plan, not counting so much of such expenditure with respect to any individual for any month as exceeds $30, and (3) in the case of any State, an amount equal to one-half of the total of the sums expended during such quarter as found necessary by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for the proper and efficient administation of the State plan, including services which are provided by the staff of the State agency (or of the local agency administering the State plan in the political subdivision) to applicants for and recipients of old-age assistance to help them attain self-care." AMENDMENT TO MATCHING FORMULA FOR AID TO DEPENDENT CHILDREN

^n **'„P; *^ po»t, p. 854.

SEC. 342. Section 403(a) of the Social Security Act is amended to J



read as follows: "(a) From the sums appropriated therefor, the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay to each State which has an approved plan for aid to dependent children, for each quarter, beginning with the quarter