Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/963

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[70 Stat. 907]
[70 Stat. 907]

70 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 896-AUG. 1, 1966

SEC. 7. Section 65 of said Act, as amended (48 U.S.C. 562) is amended in the following respects: (a) By deleting therefrom the following words: "The legislature, at its first regular session after the census enumeration shall be ascertained, and from time to time thereafter, shall reapportion the membership in the senate and house of representatives among the senatorial and representative districts on the basis of the population in each of said districts who are citizens of the Territory; but the", and by inserting in lieu thereof the word "The". (b) By inserting at the end of said section three new paragraphs as follows: "On or before June 1 of the year 1959, and of each tenth year thereafter, the Governor shall reapportion the members of the house of representatives in the following manner: The total number of representatives shall first be reapportioned among four basic areas; namely, (1) the island of Hawaii, (2) the islands of Maui, Molokai, Lanai and Kahoolawe, (3) the island of Oahu and all other islands not specifically enumerated, and (4) the islands of Kauai and Niihau, on the basis of the number of voters registered at the last preceding general election in each of such basic areas and computed by the method known as the method of equal proportions, no oasic area to receive less than one member. Upon the determination of the total number of representatives to which each basic area is entitled, such total shall be reapportioned among the one or more representative districts within each basic area on the basis of the number of voters registered at the last preceding general election within each of such representative districts and computed by the method known as the method of equal proportions no representative district to receive less than one member. Upon any reapportionment, should the total number of voters registered in any representative district be less than onehalf of the quotient obtained by dividing the total number of voters registered in the Territory by the total number of members to which the house is entitled, then, as part of such reapportionment, the basic area within which such representative district lies shall be redistricted by the Governor in such manner that the total number of voters registered in each new representative district therein shall be more than one-half of such quotient. "The Governor shall thereupon issue a proclamation showing the results of such reapportionment, and such reapportionment shall be effective for the election of members to such house for the next five succeeding legislatures. "Original jurisdiction is hereby vested in the supreme court of the Territory to be exercised on the application of any registered voter, made within thirty days following the date specified above, to compel, by mandamus or otherwise, the Governor to perform the above duty; and made within thirty days following the date of such proclamation, to compel, by mandamus or otherwise, the correction of any error made in such reapportionment." SEC. 8. Subsection (a) of section 7 of this Act shall take effect upon the approval of this Act. The remainder of this Act shall first take effect with respect to the Thirtieth Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii and apply to each Legislature thereafter. The Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth Legislatures of said Territory shall continue to be governed by the same provisions of said Organic Act which were in effect prior to the approval of this Act, except that portion of section 55 of said Organic Act which is deleted by subsection (a) of section 7 of this Act. Approved August i, 1956.

907 L e gislati^re 31 Stat. 15 0.



Effective dateti.