Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/984

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[70 Stat. 928]
[70 Stat. 928]


PUBLIC LA^\ 911-AUG. 2, 1956

[70 S T A T,

"(3) disseminate information as to the studies, investigations, and reports referred to in ^paragraph (1) and other matters relating to practical nurse training. "(b) The Commissioner is authorized to make rules and regulations governing the administration of this title and to delegate to any officer or employee of the Office of Education such of his powers and duties, except the making of rules and regulations, as he finds necessary. "ADVISORY COMMITTEES

"SEC. 206. (a) The Commissioner is authorized to appoint an advisory committee or committees to advise him on matters of general policy in connection with the administration of this title. "(b) Members of any such committee who are not otherwise in the employ of the United States, while attending meetings or conferences of their committee or otherwise serving at the request of the Commissioner, shall be entitled to receive compensation at a rate to be fixed by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, but not exceeding $50 per diem, including travel time, and while away from their homes or regular places of business they may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by law (5 Stat. 394V ^°*' ^^ U- S- C. 73b-2) for persons in the Government service employed intermittently. "EFFECT ON OTHER LAWS

20 USC 11-28.

"SEC. 207. Nothing in this title shall in any way affect the availability for practical nurse training of amounts paid the States under the Act of February 23, 1917 (39 Stat. 929) as amended and extended, or title I of this Act, as amended and extended. "REPORTS

"SEC. 208. The Commissioner shall include in his annual report a full report of the administration of this title. ^, "AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION


"SEC. 209. There are hereby authorized to be includecf for each fiscal year in the appropriations for the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare such sums as are necessary to administer the provisions of this title. ((DEFINITIONS "SEC. 210. For purposes of this title " (a) The term 'Commissioner' means the Commissionef of Education. " (b) The term 'practical nurse training' means training of less than college grade which is giA'^en in schools or classes (including field or laboratory work incidental thereto) under public supervision and control and is conducted as part of a program designed to fit individuals, engaged in or preparing to engage in employment as practical nurses, for such employment. The term includes also training of a similar nature, which is of less than college grade and is given and conducted as provided above, designed to fit individuals engaged or preparing to engage in other health occupations in hospitals or other health agencies, for such occupations. I n addition, the term includes vocational guidance in connection with any such program and the inservice training of teachers, teacher-trainers, supervisors, and directors for any such program, but does not include courses which have only incidental relationship to the specialized training needed by an