Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70A.djvu/169

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Ill deposit in the Treasury the amount that would oth<^rwif?p V-^ve been deducted from his pay for that period to provide the annuity. § 1439. Refund of amounts deducted from retired pay If a person whose name is on the temporary disability retired list of an armed force, and who has elected an annuity under this chapter^ has his name removed from that list for any reason other than retirement or grant of retired pay, he is entitled to a refund of the difference between the amount by which his retired pay was reduced to provide the annuity and the cost of an amount of term insurance equal to the protection provided for his dependents during the period that he was on that list. § 1440. Annuities not subject to legal process No annuity payable under this chapter is assignable or subject to execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, or other legal process. § 1441. Annuities in addition to other payments A n annuity under this chapter is in addition to any pension or other payment to which the beneficiary is entitled under any other provision of law, and may not be considered as income under any law administered by the Veterans' Administration. § 1442. Recovery of a n n u i t y erroneously paid I n addition to other methods of recovery provided by law, the Secretary concerned may authorize the recovery, by deduction from later payments to a person, of any amount erroneously paid to him under this chapter. However, recovery is not required if, in the judgment of the Secretary concerned and the (/omptroller General, there has been no fault by the person to whom the amount was erroneously paid and recovery would be contrary to the purposes of this chapter or against equity and good conscience. § 1443. Board of Actuaries To advise on the administration of this chapter, the President shall convene at least once a year a Board of Actuaries composed of the Government Actuary, the Chief Actuary of the Social Security Administration, and an actuary who is a member of the Society of Actuaries. The compensation of the member from the Society of Actuaries shall be prescribed by the President. § 1444. R e g u l a t i o n s; report s to Congress; determinations (a) The President shall prescribe regulations to carry out this chapter. Those regulations shall, so far as practicable, be uniform for the armed forces, the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the Public Health Service. (b) The President shall report to Congress annually on the administration of this chapter. (c) Determinations and certifications of eligibility for, and payments of, annuities and o<"her payments or refunds under this chapter shall be made by the department concerned. However, in the case of a department other than a military department, payments shall be made through the disbursing facilities of the Department of the Treasury.