Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70A.djvu/227

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169 §3070. Women's Medical Specialist Corps: organization; Chief and assistant chiefs (a) The Women's Medical Specialist Corps consists of the Chief and assistant chiefs of that corps, other officers in grades of second lieutenant to major, inclusive, and the following sections— ^ 1) the Dietitian Section; (2) the Physical Therapist Section; and (3) the Occupational Therapist Section. (b) The Secretary of the Army shall appoint, from the officers of the Regular Army in the Women's Medical Specialist Corps, the Chief and three assistant chiefs of that corps. The Chief and the assistant chiefs serve during the pleasure of the Secretary. Without vacating their respective regular grades, the Chief is entitled to the rank, pay, and allowances of a colonel, and each assistant chief is entitled to the rank, pay, and allowances of a licatKiant colonel while so serving. § 3071. Women's Army Corps: Director; Deputy Director; other positions (a) There is a Women's Army Corps in the Regular Army. (b) The Secretary of the Army shall appoint, from the commissioned officers of the Regular Army in the Women's Army Corps, a Director and a Deputy Director of that corps, to serve during his pleasure, but normally not for more than four years. The Director ip the adviser to the Secretary on Women's Army Corps matters. Without vacating her regular grade, the Director is entitled to the rank, pay, and allowances of a colonel while so serving, and the Deputy Director, if she has a lower regular grade, is entitled to the rank, pay, and allowances of a lieutenant colonel while so serving. (c) The Secretary shall designate the pK)sitions that he finds necessary for the administration and training of the Women's Army Corps. He shall fill those positions from officers of that corps or from female members of the Army Reserve who are on active duty. Each person holding such a position serves during the pleasure of the Secretary. If she has a lower regular or reserve grade, she is entitled, while so serving and without vacating that grade, to the rank, pay, and allowances of a lieutenant colonel or major, as the Secretary determines. (d) Only officers whose regular grade is lieutenant colonel are eligible for appointment under subsection (b), and only officers whose regular or reserve grade is above captain are eligible for designation under subsection (c). § 3072. Judge Advocate General's Corps There is a Judge Advocate General's Corps in the Army. The J u d g e Advocate General's Corps consists of— (1) the Judge Advocate General; (2) the Assistant Judge Advocate General; (3) three officers in the grade of brigadier general; (4) commissioned officers of the Regular Army appointed therein; and (5) other members of the Army assigned thereto by the Secretary of the Army.