Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70A.djvu/344

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286 a lower rank or grade, may, in the discretion of the President, be retired with the grade of rear admiral or major general, as appropriate, and with retired pay based on that grade. If he is retired with the grade of rear admiral, he is entitled to the retired pay of a rear admiral in the upper half of that grade. (c) Except in time of war, any officer of a staff corps who ha» served as a chief of bureau for a full term is exempt from sea duty, §5134. Deputy Bureau Chiefs: pay An officer of the naval service detailed to duty as a deputy chief of bureau is entitled, while so serving, to the highest pay of his rank. §5135. Bureau Chiefs: succession to duties (a) When there is a vacancy in the office of chief of a bureau, or during the absence or disability of the chief of a bureau, the deputy chief of that bureau, unless otherwise directed by the President, shall perform the duties of the chief until a successor is appointed or the absence or disability ceases. (b) When subsection (a) cannot be complied with because of the absence or disability of the deputy chief of the bureau, the heads of the major divisions of the bureau, in the order directed by the Secretary of the Navy, shall perform the duties of the chief, unless otherwise directed by the President. §5136. Bureau of Aeronautics: Chief; Deputy Chief (a) The Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, for a term of four years, from officers on the active list of the Navy or the Marine Corps. The Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics must be qualified as a naval aviator or naval aviation observer within one year after his appointment. (b) A n officer on the active list of the Navy or the Marine Corps may be detailed as Deputy Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics. § 5137. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery: Chief; Deputy Chief (a) The Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, for a term of four years, from officers on the active list of the Navy in the Medical Corps. He has the title of Surgeon General. (b) An officer on the active list of the Navy in the Medical Corps may be detailed as Deputy Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. § 5138. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery: Dental Division; Chief; functions (a) There is a Dental Division in the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. An officer of the Dental Corps in the grade of rear admiral shall be detailed as Chief of the Dental Division. (b) The Chief of the Dental Division is entitled to the same pay, allowances, and privileges of retirement as provided for chiefs of bureaus in section 6133 of this title. (c) The dental functions of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery shall be so defined and prescribed by Bureau directives, and if necessary by regulations of the Secretary of the Navy, that all such