Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70A.djvu/389

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331 (h) Temporary appointments under this section do not change the permanent, probationary, or acting status of members so appomted, prejudice them in regard to promotion or appointment, or abridge their rights or benefits. A person receiving a temporary appointment under this section may not suffer any reduction in the pay and allowances to which he was entitled because of his permanent status at the time of his temporary appointment, or any reduction in the pay and allowances to which he was entitled under a prior temporary appointment in a lower grade. (i) Each temporary appointment under this section, unless expressly declined, is, without formal acceptance or oath of office, regarded as accepted on the date made, and the member so appointed is entitled to the pay and allowances of the grade to which appointed from that date. (i) Temporary appointments under this section are effective for such periods as the President determines. However, no such appointment may be effective later than— (1) six months after the end of the war or national emergency; or (2) the date the appointee is released from active duty; whichever is earlier. (k) When his temporary appointment under this section is terminated, each member of the naval service on active duty shall have the grade he would hold if he had not received any such appointment. §5598.

Naval Reserve and Marine Corps R e s e r v e: temporary appointments in time of w a r or national emergency (a) I n time of national emergency declared by the President or by Congress, and in time of war, temporary appointments may be made in any commissioned grade in the Naval Reserve or the Marine Corps Reserve from qualified persons. (b) Appointments under this section in the grades of chief warrant officer, W-2, chief warrant officer, W - 3, and chief warrant officer, W-4, shall be made by the Secretary of the Navy, by commission, under such regulations as he prescribes. (c) An officer appointed under this section may be ordered to active duty for such period as the President prescribes. (d) An appointment under this section may be vacated by the President at any time. Unless sooner vacated, the appointment is effective during the war or emergency in which it is made and for six months thereafter. (e) The appointment of a permanent warrant officer to a higher grade under this section does not vacate his permanent grade or prejudice any right, privilege, benefit, or promotion status to which he was entitled because of his permanent grade. §5599.

Medical Corps: acting appointments for temporary service (a) Appointments for temporary service in the Medical Corps in the grade of lieutenant (junior grade) may be made by the President alone. (b) Appointees under this section may not be placed on the lineal list, may not be assigned running mates, and are ineligible for promotion. The number of such appointees may not be more than 250