Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70A.djvu/448

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390 § 6245. Distinguished flying cross The President may award a distinguished flying cross of appropriate design with accompanying ribbon to any person who, while serving in any capacity with the Navy or the Marine Corps, distinguishes himself by heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in an aerial flight. § 6246. Navy and Marine Corps Medal The President may award a medal called the "Navy and Marine Corps Medal" of appropriate design with accompanying ribbon, together with a rosette or other device to be worn in place thereof— (1) to any person who, while serving in any capacity with the Navy or the Marine Corps, distinguishes himself by heroism not involving actual conflict with an enemy; or (2) to any person to whom the Secretary of the Navy, before August 7, 1942, awarded a letter of commendation for heroism, and who applies for that medal, regardless of the date of t lie act of heroism. § 6247. Additional awards Not more than one medal of honor, Navy cross, distinguishedservice medal, silver star medal, distinguished flying cross, or Navy and Marine Corps Medal may be awarded to a person. However, for each succeeding act or service that would otherwise justify the award of such a medal or cross, the President may award a suitable bar, emblem, or insignia to be worn with the decoration and corresponding rosette or other device. § 6248. Limitations of time Except as provided in section 6246 of this title, no medal of honor, Navy cross, distinguished-service medal, silver star medal. Navy and Marine Corps Medal, or bar, emblem, or insignia in place thereof may be awarded to a person unless— (1) the award is made within five years after the date of the aci or service justifying the award; and (2) a statement setting forth the act or distinguished service and recommending official recognition of it was made by his superior through official channels within three years from the date of that act or service. § 6249. Limitation of honorable service No medal, cross, or bar, or associated emblem or insignia may be awarded or presented to any person or to his representative if his service after he distinguished himself has not been honorable. § 6250. Posthumous awards If a person who distinguishes himself dies before an award to which he is entitled is made, the award may be made and the medal, cross, or bar, or associated emblem or insignia may be presented, within five years from the date of the act or service justifying the award, to his representative as designated by the President.