Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70A.djvu/542

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484 §7722. Stay of suit (a) Wlienever in time of war the Secretary of the Navy certifies to a court, or to a judge of a court, in which a suit described in section 7721 of this title is pending, that the prosecution of the suit would tend to endanger the security of naval operations in the war, or would tend to interfere with those operations, all further proceedings in the suit shall be stayed. (b) A stay under this section does not suspend the issue of process to take or preserve evidence to be used in the trial or prevent the completion of action under similar process issued before the stay. § 7723. Stay of proceedings for preserving evidence after stay of suit If, at the time of certification under section 7722 of this title^ or at any time before the termination of the stay based on the certificate, the Secretary of the Navy files with the court an additional certificate to the effect that the issue of any process to preserve evidence or the completion of action on process previously issued would tend to endanger the security of the United States or of any of its naval or military operations in the war, or would tend to interfere with those operations, then all proceedings for the taking or preserving of evidence to be used by either party in the trial shall be stayed. §7724.

Stay of proceedings for taking evidence before suit is filed (a) If in time of war, with respect to any claim against the United States on which a suit described in section 7721 of this title would lie, the Secretary of the Navy certifies to the court, or to a judge of the court, in which proceedings are pending for— (1) the granting of a dedimus potestatem to take depositions; (2) a direction to take depositions in perpetuam rei memoriam; or (3) the taking of depositions or production of evidence pursuant to such dedimus potestatem or direction, or pursuant to any other proceedings for the purpose; that the proceedings would tend to endanger the security of the United States or any of its naval or military operations in the war, or would tend to interfere with those operations, then the proceedings may not be started or, if they have been started, they shall, when the certificate is filed, be stayed. (b) The time during which a claimant may file suit of the type described in section 7721 of this title is computed by excluding the time during which a stay under this section or any extension of such a stay is in effect. § 7725. Stay extended or shortened The Secretary of the Navy, when a stay under this chapter is in effect, may file with the court, or a judge of the court, a certificate extending or shortening the time stated in the prior certificate. The filing of such a new certificate extends or shortens the stay to the period specified in the new certificate or terminates the stay if the new certificate so states.