Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/1019

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[71 Stat. 89]
[71 Stat. 89]

SUBJECT Mines and Mining: ^^^ Chilkat Indian Village, Alaska, mineral leasing authorized 596 Claims, u n p a t e n t e d, time extension on assessment work 226 Health and safety, appropriation for promotion of 262 Mining of coal, phosphate, etc., on •> public domain in Alaska, distribution of moneys from 282 Ministers of Religion, social security coverage for certain 521-523 Minnesota: B a u d e t t e, time extension for Rainy River bridge construction 306 D u r u m wheat, increase in acreage allotments and marketing quotas for certain counties 10 Pigeon River bridge, construction authorized 310 Social security coverage for State and local employees 512 Soil Conservation Committees, two in Otter Tail, Polk and Saint Louis Counties 601 Mint, Bureau of the, appropriation for 37 Mirage Flats Irrigation District, Nebr., amendment to repayment contract authorized 402 Missing Persons Act, Amendment, extension 341, 491 Mississippi: Gulf port Municipal Separate School District, land conveyance to 473 Mineral interests in lands acquired for the Arkabutla, Sardis, Enid, and Grenada Reservoirs, Yazoo Basin project 563 Yalobusha, Chickasaw, and Pontotoc Counties, authority for sale of property by Secretary of Agriculture 270 Mississippi River and Tributaries, appropriation for flood control 418 Missouri: Confederate Cemetery, Springfield, removal of certain restrictions 43 Soil conservation agreements, approval by central State agency 335 University of Missouri, conveyances. 190, 607 Missouri River, bridge at Rulo, Nebr., extension of authority for toll rates 368 Missouri River Projects: Appropriation for 421 Buford-Trenton Irrigation District, funds available; land acquisition.. 184 E a s t Bench unit, application of certain Federal reclamation laws, suspension and modification 309



Missouri River Projects—Continued ^^^^ Missouri River, Kansas City to mouth, restriction on funds for project 417 Montana: Beaverhead Valley, application of reclamation laws, suspension and modification 309 D u r u m wheat, increase in acreage allotments and marketing quotas for certain counties 10 I n t e r s t a t e compact, relating to Litthi Missouri River; consent of Congress 466 Medicine Lake, settlement of claims for damage to municipal water supply system from developments of Fish and Wildlife Service 565 Public lands, use for construction, permanent improvement, etc., of public buildings a t capital, extension of authority 5 Sanders County, approval requirement for purchase of lands in national forest 270 Monuments. See American Battle Monuments Commission. Mother's Day, 1957, proclamation c31 Motor Carrier Act, 1935, Amendments, increased penalties for violation of.. 352 Motor Carriers. See under Interstate Commerce Act. Motor Vehicles, extension of manufacturer's excise tax 9 Mount McKinley National Park, Alaska, use of receipts from McKinley Park Hotel 263 Museum, National Cowboy Hall of Fame and, congressional recognition as a memorial B37 Museum of History and Technology, appropriation for rents pending opening 271 Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951, appropriation for effecting provisions authorized 361 Appropriation for 602 Mutual Security Act of 1954: Amendments 355-365 Middle East, removal of restrictions on use of funds for economic and military assistance 6 Transfer of vessels to friendly foreign countries, funds available under — 496 Mutual Security Act of 1955, Amendments 362 Mutual Security Act of 1957 355