Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/1034

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[71 Stat. 104]
[71 Stat. 104]



Senate—Continued ^^s^ Foreign Relations Committee, reports to—Continued Development Loan Fund, Mutual Security Program 358 President's report on economic and military assistance in Middle East 6 State Department 454 Yugoslavia, defense assistance to 356 Joint committees, congressional. See separate title. Legislative Counsel, Office of, appropriation for 250 Louisiana, Senators from, appropriation for administrative and clerical assistants 14 M c C a r t h y, Joseph R., appropriation for payment to widow of 188 Majority and Minority Whips, Offices of, appropriation for 245 Nomination, disapproval of, restriction on payments to persons after 53 Office Buildings. See Senate Office Buildings. Ohio, Senators from, appropriation for administrative and clerical assistants 14 Pages, education of— Advances to District of Columbia 251 Appropriation for 188 Parliamentarian, issuance of congressional motor vehicle tags to 598 President of the Senate— Appointments by— Civil War Centennial Commission, members 626 Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission, members 587 Authority for signing of enrolled bills and joint resolutions after sine die adjournment B51 Civil War Centennial Commission, ex officio membership 626 Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission, ex officio membership 587 M ileage, appropriation for 244 Military construction contracts awarded on other than competitive basis, semiannual reports to 558 Revolving fund, establishment 188 Rules and Administration, Committee on, Library of Congress publications, approval requirement 254 Salaries, officers and employees, appropriation for 13, 244 Secretary, Office of the, appropriation for 244 Senate restaurants, appropriation for. 188, 246

INDEX Senate—Continued Pae* Sergeant a t Arms and Doorkeeper, Office of— Appropriation for 245 Compensation of certain employees. _ 245 Texas, Senators from, appropriation for administrative and clerical assistants 14 Vice President, Office of the, appropriation for 13, 244 Senate Office Buildings: Additional office building— Cost limitation increased 277 F u r n i t u r e and furnishings, appropriation authorized 284 Appropriation for 252, 438 Existing building, remodeling, etc., appropriation authorized 289 Appropriation for; restriction on funds 252, 439 Senate Restaurants, appropriation for.. 188, 246 Service Extension Act of 1941, funds for effecting provisions 211 Servicemen's and Veterans' Survivor Benefits Act, Amendments: Amendments under Veterans' Benefits Act of 1957 160 Dependency and indemnity compensation to parents, income limitations632 Servicemen's Indemnity Act of 1951, funds for effecting provisions 237 Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944: Amendments under Veterans' Benefits Act of 1957 159 Funds for effecting provisions 211, 236 H o m e loans insured or guaranteed under 305 Sheepherders, termination of immigration quota deductions 642 Sherman, Tex., water supply storage space in Lake Texoma, authorization 368 Shoshone Reclamation Project, Wyo., water delivery in H e a r t M o u n t a i n division 30 Sibley Memorial Hospital, D. C, exchange of properties; merger with H a h n e m a n n Hospital 610 Sioux Indians: Cheyenne River Reservation, reimbursement for expenses incident to agreement for lands for Oahe Dam_ 598 Claims for personal property losses, time extension 472 Small Business Act of 1953: Amendments— Increase in a m o u n t s available for loans to small business 4, 341 Revolving fund, increase in funds available for ^ 4, 341 Time extension 341