Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/1044

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[71 Stat. 114]
[71 Stat. 114]



White House Office: P»se Appropriation for 49 Little Missouri River compact, payment of Federal representative 466 White House Police: Appropriation for 36 Retirement and disability 391 Whitney Reservoir, Tex., increase in water storage supply 513 Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, appropriation for maintenance of longhorned cattle herd 264 Wildlife Service. See Fish and Wildlife Service under Interior, Department of the. Wines, tax extension 9 Witnesses: Civil Rights Commission sessions, attendance ^-634 Fees and expenses, appropriation for 13, 58, 61, 71, 194 Inspection of Government files 595 Women's Bureau, appropriation for 213 Wool, yarn, duty-free importation.. 609 Woolen Textiles, modification of import duties and restrictions on certain cl2 World Health Organization: Appropriation for Eleventh World Health Assembly 436 Repeal of m u t u a l security provisions relating to 362 World Metallurgical Congress, 1957, recognition and endorsement 566 World Trade Week, 1957, proclamation. _ c28 World War II: Second Infantry Division, memorial for dead 346 Unknown American of—• E n to m b m e n t in Arlington National Cemetery, Va 183,416

INDEX World War II—Continued U n k n o w n American of—Continued Medal of Honor, authority to a w a r d. World War Veterans Act of 1924, Amendments: Amendments under Veterans' Benefits Act of 1957 Disability payments, increase Wyoming: Francis E. W a r r e n Air Force Base, conveyance of certain lands to State—I n t e r s t a t e compact, relating to Little Missouri River, consent of Congress. Kendrick project, approval of contract, etc . Public lands, use for construction, perm a n e n t improvement, etc., of p u b lic buildings a t State c a p i t a l. Shoshone reclamation project, water delivery in H e a r t M o u n t a i n division

^age 567

158 424

42 466 608



Y Yakima Reservation, funds for payment to Confederated Tribes for fishing interests impaired by Dalles D a m Yazoo Watershed, purchase of lands for flood prevention, requirement of a p proval of county board of supervisors. Yearbook of Agriculture: Appropriation for Restriction on use of Government Printing Office funds for printing and binding Yugoslavia, m u t u a l defense assistance, restrictions


336 334

255 356

Z Zoological Park, D. C, National, a p p r o priation for