Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/316

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[71 Stat. 280]
[71 Stat. 280]

280 Terms and ditions.

Exemption. Application.


Issuance of certificate.



PUBLIC LAW 85-87-JULY 10, 1957



(d) The Commissioneis may by regulation prescribe the terms and conditions under which solicitations m addition to those enumerated in subsection (b) of this section may be exempted from the provisions of subsection (a) of this section and sections 6 and 7: Provided, That no exemption granted under authority of this subsection (d) shall exceed for any calendar year $1,500 in money or property. SEC. 5. (a) Application for such certificate of registration shall be made upon such form or forms as shall be prescribed by the Commissioners, shall be sworn to and shall be filed with the Commissioners at least fifteen days prior to the time when the certificate of registration applied for shall become effective. Each such application shall contain such information as the Commissioners shall by regulation require. (b) If, while any application is pending, or during the term of any certificate of registration granted thereon, there is any change in fact, policy, or method from the information given in the application, the applicant or registrant shall within ten days after such change report the same in writing to the Commissioners. (c) The Commissioners shall issue a certificate of registration within ten days after the filing of an application therefor: Provided,, That, whenever in the opinion of the Commissioners the application does not disclose sufficient information required by this Act or the regulations made pursuant thereto, to be stated in such application, then the applicant shall file in writing, within 48 hours, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, after a demand therefor made by the Commissioners, such additional information as may be required by said Commissioners: Provided further, That the Commissioners, for good cause shown by the applicant, may extend the time for filing such additional information: Provided further, That the Commissioners may withhold the issuance of a certificate of registration until such additional information is furnished. Each certificate of registration shall be valid for such period of time as shall be specified therein. SEC. 6. (a) No individual shall solicit in the District of Columbia unless he exhibits a solicitor information card or a copy thereof, produced and authenticated as provided in regulations made pursuant to this Act, and reads it to the person solicited, or presents it to sftid person for his perusal, allowing him sufficient opportunity to read such card before accepting any contribution so solicited. (b) No individual shall solicit in the District of Columbia by printed matter or published article, or over the radio, television, telephone, or telegraph, unless such publicity shall contain the data and information required to be set forth on the solicitor information card: Provided, That when any solicitation is made by telephone, the solicitor shall present to each person who consents or indicates a willingness to contribute, prior to accepting a contribution from said person, such solicitor information card or a copy thereof produced and authenticated as provided in regulations made pursuant to this Act. SEC. 7. Each registrant shall, within thirty days after the period for which a certificate of registration has been issued, and within thirty days after a demand therefor by the Commissioners, file a report with the Commissioners, stating the contributions secured as a result of any solicitation authorized by such certificate and in detail all expenses of or connected with such solicitation, and showing exactly for what use and in what manner all such contributions were or are intended to be dispensed or distributed.