Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/343

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[71 Stat. 307]
[71 Stat. 307]




PUBLIC LAW 85-108-JULY 17, 1957

Public Law 85-107 AN ACT To amend Public Law 81, Eighty-fourth Congress, lirst session, to increase the authorization for appropriation to the Atomic Energy Commission for the construction of a modern office building in or near the District of Columbia to serve as its principal office.

July 17, 1957 [S. 1918]

Be it enacted by the Senate and Koune of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Public Law 81, f^ %^s c*^2 2 0 1 Eighty-fourth Congress, first session, is hereby amended, by striking note. the figure "$10,000,000" and inserting in lieu thereof the figure "$13,300,000". Approved July 17, 1957.

Public Law 85-108 AN ACT To clarify the general powers, increase the borrowing authority, and authorize the deferment of interest payments on borrowings, of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act of May 13, 1954 (chapter 201, 68 Stat. 92, 33 U.S.C. 981, and the following), is amended as follows: (1) Section 4(a)(8) is amended by striking out the word "and" at the end thereof. (2) Section 4(a)(9) is amended by striking out the period at the end thereof and inserting a semicolon. (3) Section 4 is amended by adding the following after clause (9): "(10) may provide services and facilities necessary in the maintenance and operation of the seaway, including but not limited to providing, at reasonable prices, services to vessels using the seaway and to visitors to the seaway, but not to include overnight housing accommodations for visitors; "(11) may participate with the Saint Lawrence Seaway Authority of Canada, or its designee, in the ownership and operation of a toll bridge company: Provided, That the United States' portion of the revenue from the tolls charged to the users of any toll bridge operated under this section shall be applied solely to the cost of the bridge and approaches, including maintenance and operation, amortization of principal and interest, as established by the Secretary of the Treasury; and "(12) shall be credited with amounts received from any of the activities authorized by clauses (10) and (11). " (b) Amounts credited under subsection (a) (12) are available to pay any obligation or expense of the (corporation under this Act, excep£ as specifically provided in subsection (a) (11)." (4) Section 5 is amended by striking out the first sentence and inserting the following sentences in place thereof: "To finance its activities, the Corporation may issue revenue bonds payable from corporate revenue to the Secretary of the Treasury. The total face value of all bonds so issued shall not be greater than $140,000,000, Not more than fifty per centum of the bonds may be issued during any one year. The interest payments on such bonds may be deferred with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, but any interest

July 17. 1957 [H. R. 5728]

St. Law r e n c e S e a w a y Development Cotp. 33 USC 984.

General p o w e r s.

Revenue b o n d s. 33 USC 985.

Interest ment s.
