Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/440

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[71 Stat. 404]
[71 Stat. 404]

PUBLIC LAW 85-162-AUG. 21, 1957


Report to Con-


[71 STAT,

7. Project 58-b-7, reduction in fire liazards—gaseous diffusion plants, Oak Ridge, Paducah, and Portsmouth, $12,000,000. 8. Project 58-b-8, production reactor for special nuclear materials; development, design, and engineering only, $3,000,000. The Commission shall proceed with sufficient design work, together with appropriate engineering and development work, necessary for the Commission to begin construction as soon as practicable after authorization by the Congress, of a large scale single or dual purpose reactor for the production of special nuclear materials. ^]^g Commission shall submit to the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy a report on its design for this project, including cost estimates and schedule of construction, not later than April 1, 1958. (c)


1. Project 58-c-l, weapons production and development plant, $10,000,000. 2. Project 58-C-2, weapons special component plant, $6,000,000. (d)


1. Project 58-d-l, manufacturing plant expansion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, $3,325,000. 2. Project 58-d-2, storage site modifications, $2,000,000. 3. Project 58-d-3, high explosive development plant, Livermore, California, $2,100,000. 4. Project 58-d-4, engineering and laboratory building, Los Alamos, New Mexico, $1,013,000. 5. Project 58-d-5, ventilation system replacements, Los Alamos, New Mexico, $618,000. 6. Project 58-d-6, reclamation foundry, shoj), and warehouse, Sandia Base, New Mexico, $308,000. 7. Project 58-d-7, reactor, area III, Sandia Base, New Mexico, $2,900,000. 8. Project 58-d-8, base construction, Nevada test site, $350,000. 9. Project 58-d-9, base construction, Eniwetok Proving Ground, $7,917,000. (e)


1. Project 58-e-l, power reactor development acceleration project, $11,500,000. 2. Project 58-e-2, Puerto Rico power reactor. 3. Project 58-e-3, fuels technology center, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, $10,000,000. 4. Project 58-e-4, modifications and additions, aircraft nuclear propulsion ground test plant, area numbered 1, National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho, $8,000,000. 5. Project 58-e-5, test installations for classified project, $9,000,000. 6. Project 58-e-6, project Sherwood plant, $7,750,000. 7. Project 58-e-7, waste calcination system. National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho, $4,000,000. 8. Project 58-e-8, hot cells, $3,500,000. 9. Project 58-e-9, high temperature test installation, Bettis plant, Pennsylvania, $3,000,000. 10. Project 58-e-lO, destroyer reactor development plant, $750,000. 11. Project 58-e-ll, sodium reactor experiment ( S R E) modification, Santa Susana, California, $4,700,000.