Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/460

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[71 Stat. 424]
[71 Stat. 424]


PUBLIC LAW 85-168-AUG. 27, 1957



Public Law 85-168 August 27, 1957 [H. R. 52]

Veterans. Disability compensation.

38 USC Ch. 12A.

43 Stat. 618. 38 USC 473-480. 38 USC 473.

43 Stat. 607. 38 USC 421. Dependency allowances. 62 Stat. 1219; 63 Stat. 900.

AN ACT To provide increases in service-connected disability compensation and to inci-ease dependency allowances.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) all monthly wartime rates of compensation payable under public laws administered by the Veterans' Administration for disability less than total (not including special awards and allowances, dependency allowances, or subsistence allowances), are hereby increased by 10 per centum. (b) All rates of compensation increased by subsection (a) shall be further adjusted upward or downward to the nearest dollar, counting fifty cents and over as a whole dollar. (c) I n adjusting the rates of peacetime disability compensation under part II of Veterans Regulation Numbered 1 (a) because of the increases provided in subsection (a) and the adjustments provided in subsection (b), such rates shall be further adjusted upward or downward to the nearest dollar, counting fifty cents and over as a whole dollar. (d) Paragraph II (j) of part I of Veterans Regulation Numbered 1 (a) is amended to read as follows: "(j) If and while the disability is rated as total the monthly compensation shall be $225." (e) The maximum rates of compensation set forth in paragraph II (k), II (o), and II (p) of such part I are increased to $450 per month. (f) The rate of compensation payable under paragraph II (1) of such part I is increased to $309. (g) The rate of compensation payable under paragraph II (m) of such part I is increased to $359. (h) The rate of compensation payable under paragraph II (n) of such part I is increased to $401. SEC. 2. (a) The basic rate of compensation provided by section 202 of the World W a r Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended, for any disability rated as total is hereby increased to $225 per month. (b) The rate of compensation payable under section 202(3) of the World W a r Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended, for the loss of the use of both eyes is hereby increased to $309; the rate payable under that section for the loss of use of both eyes and one or more limbs is hereby increased to $401; the rate payable under that section for double total permanent disability is hereby increased to $401: Provided, That in no event shall the rate of compensation received hereunder plus the amounts payable under any other provision of the World W a r Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended, exceed $450 per month in any case. SEC. 3. (a) Paragraph (1) of the first section of the Act entitled "An Act to provide increases of compensation for certain veterans with service-connected disabilities who have dependents", approved July 2, 1948 (38 U.S.C. sec. 740), is amended to read as follows: " (1) If and Avhile rated totallj^ disabled and— " (A) has a wife but no child living, $23;

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" (B) has a wife and one child living, $39; " (C) has a wife and two children living, $50; " (D) has a wife and three or more children living, $62; " (E) has no wife but one child living, $15; " (F) has no wife but two children living, $27;