Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/474

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[71 Stat. 438]
[71 Stat. 438]
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PUBLIC LAW 85-170-AUG. 28, 1957

[71 S T A T.


D.C. Code 1-904.

For the payment of claims in excess of $250, approved by the Commissioners in accordance with the provisions of the Act of February 11, 1929, as amended (45 Stat. 1160; 46 Stat. 500; 65 Stat. 131), $14,778. JUDGMENTS

For the payment of final judgments rendered against the District of Columbia, as set forth in Senate Document Numbered 57 and House Documents Numbered 198 and 213 (Eighty-fifth Congress), $44,128, together with such further sums as may be necessary to pay the interest at not exceeding 4 per centum per annum on such judgments, as provided by law, from the date the same became due until the date of payment. AUDITED CLAIMS

58 Stat. 533.

2413.^° ^°'^^

For an additional amount for the payment of claims, certified to be due by the accounting officers of the District of Columbia, under appropriations the balances of which have been exhausted or credited to the general or special funds of the District of Columbia as provided by law (District of Columbia Code, title 47, sec. 130a), being for the service of the fiscal year 1956 and prior fiscal years as set forth in House Documents Numbered 198 and 213 (Eighty-fifth Congress), $112,289, together with such further sums as may be necessary to pay the interest on audited claims for refunds at not exceeding 4 per ' centum per annum as provided by law (Act of July 10, 1952, 66 Stat. 546, sec. 14d). DIVISION OF EXPENSES

The sums appropriated in this Act for the District of Columbia shall, unless otherwise specifically provided for, be paid out of the general fund of the District of Columbia, as defined in the District of Columbia Appropriation Acts for the fiscal years involved. CHAPTEE



For payment to Anastasia S. Bowler, widow of James B. Bowler, late a Representative from the State of Illinois, $22,500. CAPITOL POLICE

General expenses: For an additional amount for "General expenses", $2,000. ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL CAPITOL BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS

Furniture and furnishings, additional Senate Office Building: To enable the Architect of the Capitol, under the direction of the Senate Office Building Commission, to carry out the provisions of the Act Ante, p. 284. of July 10, 1957 (Public Law 85-93, Eighty-fifth Congress), authorizing furniture and furnishings for the additional office building for the United States Senate, authorized to be constructed and equipped 40 USC 174b-1. by the Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1948 (62 Stat. 1029), $1,000,000, to remain available until expended.