Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/50

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[71 Stat. 14]
[71 Stat. 14]


PUBLIC LAW 85-16-APR. 20, 1957

A [71 ST T

tional amount for administrative and clerical assistants for Senators, to provide additional clerical assistants for each Senator from the States of Louisiana and Ohio so that the allowance for each Senator from the State of Louisiana will be equal to that allowed Senators from States having a population of over three million, the population of said State having exceeded three million inhabitants, and so that the allowance for each Senator from the State of Ohio will be equal to that allowed Senators from States having a population of over nine million, the population of said State having exceeded nine million inhabitants, $8,000. Administrative and Clerical Assistants to Senators: For an additional amount for administrative and clerical assistants for Senators, to provide additional clerical assistants for each Senator from the State of Texas so that the allowance for each Senator from said State will be equal to that allowed Senators from States having a population of over nine million, the population of said State having exceeded nine million inhabitants, $2,000. COXTIXGENT EXPENSES OF THE SENATE

Inquiries and investigations: For an additional amount for expenses of inquiries and investigations, fiscal year 1956, $25,000. Inquiries and investigations: For an additional amount for expenses of inquiries and investigations, $820,000. Automobile for the President pro tempore: For an additional amount for purchase, exchange, driving, maintenance, and operation of an autonaobile for the President pro tempore of the Senate, $2,000. Automobiles for the majority and minority leaders: For an additional amount for purchase, exchange, driving, maintenance, and operation of two automobiles, one for the majority leader of the Senate, and one for the minority leader of the Senate, $4,000. Joint Committee on Xavajo-Hopi Indian Administration: For salaries and expenses of the Joint Committee on Navajo-Hopi Indian Administration, $5,000, to remain available during the existence of the committee. H O U S E O F REPRESENTATn^s


For an additional amount for "Special and Select Committees", $290,000. Approved April 16, 1957. Public Law 85-16 April 20, 1957 Qi. R. 4271]

AN ACT rp^j provide that the Delegate from Alaska in the House of Representatives of the United States may be a member of the Alaska International Rail and Highway Commission.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the tiOTaf *Rai"**J[^°d United States of America in Congress assembled, That subsection (a) Hf^hway commis- of the first section of the Act entitled "An Act to Establish an Alaska Me'mber.. International Rail and Highwav Commission", approved August 1, 1956 (Public Law 884, Eighty-fourth Congress; 70 Stat. 888), is amended—