Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/541

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[71 Stat. 505]
[71 Stat. 505]



PUBLIC LAW 85-222-AUG. 30, 1957


annual report covering the finances and activities of the commission and embodying such plans, recommendations and findings as may have been adopted by the commission. "C. 1. The commission shall have the power to adopt, and to amend or repeal, such rules and regulations to effectuate the purposes of this compact as in its judgment may be appropriate. "2. Except as to matters involving exclusively the management of the internal affairs of the commission and its staff or involving emergency matters, prior to the adoption amendment or repeal of any rule or regulation the commission shall hold a hearing at which any interested person shall have the opportunity to present his views on the proposed action in writing, with or without the opportunity to present the same orally. The commission shall give adequate advance notice in a reasonable manner of the time, place and subject of such hearings. "3. Emergency rules and regulations may be adopted without a prior hearing, but in such case they may be effective for not longer than 90 days. "4. The commission shall publish its rules and regulations in convenient form. "ARTICLE X.


"A. Nothing in this compact shall be deemed: " 1. To affect adversely the present rights of any individual Indian, tribe, band or community of Indians to the use of the waters of the Klamath River Basin for irrigation. "2. To deprive any individual Indian, tribe, band or community of Indians of any rights, privileges, or immunities afforded under Federal treaty, agreement or statute. "3. To affect the obligations of the United States of America to the Indians, tribes, bands or communities of Indians, and their reservations. "4. To alter, amend or repeal any of the provisions of the Act of August 13, 1954, (68 Stat. 718) as it may be amended. " B. Lands within the Klamath Indian Reservation which are brought under irrigation after the effective date of this compact, whether before or after Section 14 of said Act of August 13, 1954, becomes fully operative, shall be taken into account in determining whether the 200,000 acre limitation provided in paragraph 1 of subdivision C of Article III has been reached. "ARTICLE X I.


"Nothing in this compact shall be deemed: "A. To impair or affect any rights, powers or jurisdiction in the United States, its agencies or those acting by or under its authority, in, over and to the waters of the Klamath River Basin, nor to impair or affect the capacity of the United States, its agencies or those acting by or under its authority in any manner whatsoever, except as otherwise provided by the federal legislation enacted for the implementation of this compact as specified in Article X III. "B. To subject any property of the United States, its agencies or instrumentalities, to taxation by either state or any subdivision thereof, unless otherwise provided by Act of Congress. "C. To subject any works or property of the United States, its agencies, instrumentalities or those acting by or under its authority, used in connection with the control or use of waters which are the subject of this compact, to the laws of any state to an extent other than the extent to which those laws would apply without regard to this com-

25 USC 564. 25 USC 564m.