Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/834

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[71 Stat. 14]
[71 Stat. 14]



[71 S T A T.

A-4e47042, Maskovic, John Peter. A-2917332, Mitchell, George Paul Vucenovich. A-1258853, Strauber, Erwin. A-3193490, Tresca, Benny. A-3356111, Trost, Molly. Agreed to April 16, 1957. April 16, 1957 [S. Con. R e s. 18]




66 Stat 217

April 18, 1957 [H. ton. R e s. 164]

ASHUN YUNG Resolved by the /Senate {the House of Representatives concurring), That the Congress, in accordance with section 246(a) of the Immigration and iNationality Act (8 U.S.C. A. 1256 (a)), withdraws the suspension of deportation in the case of Ashun lunff (A-4196469) which was previously granted by the Attorney General and approved by the Congress. Agreed to April 16, 1957. ADJOURNMENT

Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurring)^ That when the two Houses adjourn on Thursday, April 18, 1957, they stand adjourned until 12 o'clock meridian, Monday, April 29, 1957. P a s s e d April 18, 1957. May 8, 1957

[H. Con. Res. 91]

ALTAR OF THE NATION Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concumng), tioli*"" "' **"* ^*" That i t is the sense of the Congress that the Altar of the Nation, located in the Cathedral of the Pines, Rindge, New Hampshire, has been dedicated to the glory of God as a memorial to all American war dead, and is so recognized. P a s s e d May 8, 1957. May IS, 1957

[H. Con. Res. 173^ Ante, p. A8.

REENROLLMENT OF H. R. 1544 Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate co^ieurring), That the President of the United States is requested to return to the HousB of Representatives the enrolled bill ( H. R. 1544) to provide for the conveyance of certain real property of the United States situated in Cobb Countj^, Georgia, to the trustees of the Methodist Church, Acworth, Georgia. I f and when said bill is returned by the President, the action of the Presiding Officers of the two Houses in signing said bill shall be deemed rescinded; and the Clerk of the House is authorized and directed, in the reenrollment of said bill, to make the following correction: On page 2, line 13, strike out the figure "9990.0" and insert in lieu thereof the figure "990.0". P a s s e d May 13, 1957.

May 21, 1957

[s. Con. Res. 24] P r i n t i n g of report.

. 'TECHrnCAL ASSISTANCE" Resolved by the Senate {the House of Representatives concurring). That there be printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Relations two thousand five hundred additional copies of Senate Report 139, current Congress, entitled "Technical Assistance". Agreed to May 21, 1957.