Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/923

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[71 Stat. 51]
[71 Stat. 51]

71 STAT.]



10. WHEREAS in the case of any modification of an existing duty proclaimed in this proclamation which reflects a decrease in duty exceeding the limitation specified in subsection (a)(2)(D) or (a)(3) 19 USC 1351. (B) of the said section 350, as now amended, I have made the determinations provided for in subsection (a)(3)(D) of that section that such decreases will simplify the computation of the amount of duty imposed with respect to the articles concerned; and 11. WHEREAS I find that the compensatory modifications provided for in the trade agreements supplementary to the General Agreement, specified in the eighth recital of this proclamation, constitute appropriate action toward maintaining the general level of reciprocal and mutually advantageous concessions in the General Agreement, that the purpose set forth in the said section 350, as now amended, will be promoted by such compensatory modifications of existing duties and other import restrictions and continuance of existing customs or excise treatment as are set forth and provided for in the said supplementary agreements, and that such modifications of existing duties and other import restrictions and such continuance of existing customs or excise treatment of articles as are hereinafter proclaimed in this proclamation will be required or appropriate, on and after the dates hereinafter specified, to carry out the said trade agreements supplementary to the General Agreement: NOW, THEREFORE, I, DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER, President Towen°|t^^^ ^^ ^^ of the United States of America, acting under and by virtue of the ties and import reauthority vested in me by the Constitution and the statutes, including stf^c^oiis. the said section 350, as now amended, to the end that the General 19 USC 1351. Agreement and the trade agreements supplementary to the General Agreement, specified in the eighth recital of this proclamation may be carried out, do proclaim that such modifications of existing duties and other import restrictions of the United States of America and such continuance of existing customs or excise treatment of articles imported into the United States as are specified and provided for in the said trade agreements, including the schedules annexed thereto, shall, subject to the provisions of the said trade agreements, be applied as though such modifications and continuance were specified and provided for in Part I of Schedule X X (Geneva—1947), as follows: (1) The rates of duty specified in column A at the right of the respective descriptions of products in the said schedules annexed to the said trade agreements supplementary to the General Agreement, on and after June 29, 1957. (2) The rates of duty specified in column B at the right of the said respective descriptions of products, on and after the date or dates determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of the General Notes a t the end of the schedules annexed to the said trade agreements. I N W I T N E S S WHEREOF, I have hereunto set m y hand and caused the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed. D O N E at the City of Washington this 29th day of June in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, and of the [SEAL] Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and eighty-first. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER By the President: JOHN FOSTER


Secretary oj State.