Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/981

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[71 Stat. 51]
[71 Stat. 51]

SUBJECT Architect of the Capitol: ^"S« Appropriation for 189, 251, 438 Capitol buildings and grounds. See separate title. Court of Claims buildings, appropriation for repairs and improvements 65 House of Representatives restaurant, appropriation for payment 248 Printing and binding, appropriation for 255 Salary rates 251 Supreme Court building and grounds, appropriation for care 64 Wage-board employees, funds for retroactive pay increases 189 Archives. See National Archives and Records Service. Area Development, Office of, appropriation for 72 Arizona, land grant funds, provisions respecting investment, etc 457 Arlington National Cemetery, Va., ent o m b m e n t of unknown Americans of World War II and Korea, appropriation for 183, 416 Armed Forces. See also individual services. Air Force Academy, limitations on appointments to 463 Airways Modernization Act of 1957 349 Construction of quarters, net floor area limitations 555, 556 Doctor Draft Act, termination 208 Gifts from members abroad, free importation 29 Hazardous d u t y pay for human test subjects 484 Heraldic services, furnishing 589 Housing. See separate title. Korean conflict, award of Medal of Honor to unknown American of, authorization 567 Military Construction Act of 1957 531 Missing Persons Act, amendments, extension 341 Nurse and Medical Specialist Act of 1957 375 Pay, settlement for losses to certain members 575 Personnel strength, suspension of ceilings extended 208 Physicians, dentists and allied specialists, induction, etc 206 Proficiency flying, restriction on availability of funds; standards and hours; flight pay 326 Reserve components, acquisition and construction of facilities including troop housing and messing facilities 489



Armed Forces—Continued ^'^^^ Retirement or separation for physical disability 160, 161 Social security benefits. See Social Security Act. Stevedoring and terminal services, furnished to commercial steamship companies 45 Taxes. See separate title. Travel and transportation allowances, tax exemption on furlough travel, increase 243 Universal Military Training and Service Act. See separate title. Unknown Americans of World War II and Korea, e n to m b m e n t in Arlington National Cemetery, appropriation for 183 Veterans. See separate title. Armed Forces Day, proclamation c24 Armed Forces Nurse and Medical Specialist Career Incentive Act of 1957,. 375 Army, Department of the. See also Armed Forces; Defense, Department of. Airways Modernization Act of 1957, members detailed for services under 350 Alaska, establishment of pierhead lines as requested by Secretary of Interior 626 Alaska Communication System, appropriation for 315 Aliens, t i m e extension for enlistment in Regular Army 311 Appropriation for 178, 312,313,416,428,431,435 Arlington National Cemetery, Va., ent o m b m e n t of unknown Americans of World War II and Korea, appropriation for 183 Bunker Hill Island in Lake Cumberland, Burnside, Ky., land conveyance to State 456 Canal Zone Government. See Canai Zone. Cemeterial expenses, appropriation for. 416 Civil functions, appropriation for 416, 431, 435 Claims, appropriation for: 312 Construction and maintenance— Advance planning, design, etc., funds available 430 Appropriation authorized 636, 557 Appropriation for 416, 428, 435 Authorization 531 Contracts 557 Cost limitations, variations 657, 558 Family housing 555, 557 Acquisition authority 534 Funds available 429