Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1052

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[72 Stat. 1010]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1010]


D.C. Code 31665 a. New appointees, etc.

Service credit.

PUBLIC LAW 85-838-AUG. 28, 1958



"(c) The Superintendent of Schools, salary class 1, shall be assigned as of the date of his appointment as Superintendent to the salary step provided for that position in section 1 of this Act. " (d) Any permanent employee serving in a position which is not covered by this Act but which may later be established under section 5 of this Act shall be given service credit for the purpose of salary placement under this Act equivalent to the number of years of satisfactory service rendered within the school system in the position then occupied by the employee, and shall be assigned to the numerical service step on the schedule for his class, or class and group, under this Act next above the numerical service step corresponding to his years of creditable service in such position. If the employee has already attained a service step in such position which is numerically as high or higher than the top service step provided for his salary class, or class and group, under this Act, he shall be assigned to the highest service step provided for his class, or class and group, under this Act."' Section 7, subsection (a) is amended to read as follows: "Each employee who is newly appointed or reappointed to a position under section 1 of this Act, except the Superintendent of Schools, shall be assigned to the service step numbered next above the number of years of service with which he is credited for the purpose of salary placement. The Board, on the written recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, is authorized to evaluate the previous experience of each such employee to determine the number of years with which he may be so credited. Employees newly appointed, reappointed, or reassigned to any position in salary class 18 shall receive one year of such placement credit for each year of satisfactory service, not in excess of five years, in the same type of position regardless of school level, in an educational system or institution of recognized standing outside the District of Columbia public schools, as determined by the Board: Provided, That employees appointed to the positions of attendance officer, census supervisor, child labor inspector, counselor, librarian research assistant, school psychologist, and school social worker shall also receive one year of placement credit for each year of satisfactory service in a teaching position, but not in excess of five years for all types of service rendered outside the school system, and persons appointed to the position of shop teacher in the vocational education program shall receive one year of placement credit for each year of approved experience in the trades, as determined by the Board, but not in excess of five years for any combination of trade experience and educational service outside the school system. Employees newly appointed or reappointed to the positions of chief librarian and assistant professor (class 16), associate professor (class 13), and professor (class 8) shall receive one year of placement credit for each year of satisfactory service, not in excess of five years, in a position of the same or higher rank in a college or university of recognized standing outside the District of Columbia public schools, as determined by the Board. Employees newly appointed, reappointed, or reassigned to any position in salary classes 1 to 17 inclusive, except the positions of chief librarian and assistant professor, associate professor and professor, shall receive no placement credit for educational service or trade experience outside the District of Columbia public schools. Employees reappointed or reassigned to positions in classes 2 to 18 inclusive shall receive one year of placement credit for each year of satisfactory service in the same saliry class or in a position of equivalent or higher rank within the District of Columbia public schools, except that no employee shall receive more than five years of placement credit for previous service in any