Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1157

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[72 Stat. 1115]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1115]



PUBLIC LAW 85-857-SEPT. 2, 1958

including regulations with respect to the nature and extent of proofs and evidence and the method of taking and furnishing them in order to establish the right to benefits under such laws, the forms of application by claimants under such laws, the methods of making investigations and medical examinations, and the manner and form of adjudications and awards, § 211. Decisions by Administrator; opinions of Attorney General (a) Except as provided in sections 784, 1661, 1761, and as to matters arising under chapter 37 of this title, the decisions of the Administrator on any question of law or fact concerning a claim for benefits or payments under any law administered by the Veterans' Administration shall be final and conclusive and no other official or any court of the United States shall have power or jurisdiction to review any such decision, (b) The Administrator may req^uire the opinion of the Attorney General on any question of law arising in the administration of the Veterans' Administration. § 212. Delegation of authority and assignment of duties (a) The Administrator may assign duties, and delegate authority to act and to render decisions, with respect to all laws administered by the Veterans' Administration, to such officers and employees as he may find necessary. Within the limitations of such delegations or assignments, all official acts and decisions of such officers and employees shall have the same force and eft'ect as though performed or rendered by the Administrator. (b) There shall be included on the technical and administrative staff of the Administrator such staff officers, experts, inspectors, and assistants (including legal assistants), as the Administrator may prescribe. § 213. Contracts and personal services The Administrator may, for purposes of all laws administered by the Veterans' Administration, accept uncompensated services, and enter into contracts or agreements with private or public agencies or persons, for such necessary services (including personal services) as he may deem practicable. § 214. Reports to the Congress The Administrator shall make annually, at the close of each fiscal year, a report in writing to the Congress, giving an account of all moneys received and disbursed by the Veterans' Administration, describing the work done, and stating the activities of the Veterans' Administration for such fiscal year. § 215. Publication of laws relating to veterans The Administrator may compile and publish all Federal laws relating to veterans' relief, including such laws as are administered by the Veterans' Administration as well as by other agencies of the Government, in such form as he deems advisable for the purpose of making currently available in convenient form for the use of the Veterans' Administration and full-time representatives of the several service organizations an annotated, indexed, and cross-referenced statement of the laws providing veterans' relief. The Administrator may maintain such compilation on a current basis either by the publication, from time to time, of supplementary documents or by complete revision of the compilation. The distribution of the compilation to the representatives of the several service organizations shall be as determined by the Administrator.