Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1233

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[72 Stat. 1191]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1191]

72 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 8 5 - 8 5 7 - S E P T. 2, 1958

suing a course of education or training under this chapter, he shall discontinue making payments under section 1645 of this title to such State approving agency unless such agency shall, without delay, take such steps as may be necessary to terminate the employment of such person and such payments shall not be resumed while such person is an officer or employee of the State approving agency, or State Department of Veterans Affairs or State Department of Education. (c) A State approving agency shall not approve any course offered by an educational institution operated for profit and, if any such course has been approved, shall disapprove each such course, if it finds that any officer or employee of the Veterans' Administration, the Office of Education, or the State approving agency owns an interest in, or receives any wages, salary, dividends, profits, gratuities, or services from, such institution. (d) The Administrator may, after reasonable notice and public hearings, waive in writing the application of this section in the case of any officer or employee of the Veterans' Administration, of the Office of Education, or of a State approving agency, if he finds that no detriment will result to the United States or to eligible veterans by reason of such interest or connection of such officer or employee. § 1665. Reports by institutions (a) Educational institutions and training establishments shall, without delay, report to the Administrator in the form prescribed by him, the enrollment, interruption, and termination of the education or training of each eligible veteran enrolled therein under this chapter. (b) The Administrator shall pay to each educational institution which is required to submit reports and certifications to the Administrator under this chapter, an allowance at the rate of $1 per month for each eligible veteran enrolled in and attending such institution under the provisions of this chapter to assist the educational institution in defraying the expense of preparing and submitting such reports and certifications. Such allowances shall be paid in such manner and at such times as may be prescribed by the Administrator, except that if any institution fails to submit reports or certifications to the Administrator as required by this chapter, no allowance shall be paid to such institution for the month or months during which such reports or certifications were not submitted as required by the Administrator. § 1666. Overpayments to veterans Whenever the Administrator finds that an overpayment has been made to a veteran as the result of (1) the willful or negligent failure of the educational institution or training establishment to report, as required by this chapter and applicable regulations, to the Veterans' Administration excessive absences from a course, or discontinuance or interruption of a course by the veteran or (2) false certification by the educational institution or training establishment, the amount of such overpayment shall constitute a liability of such institution or establishment, and may be recovered in the same manner as any other debt due the United States. Any amount so collected shall be reimbursed if the overpayment is recovered from the veteran. This section shall not preclude the imposition of any civil or criminal liability under this or any other law. § 1667. Examination of records The records and accounts of educational institutions and training establishments pertaining to eligible veterans who received education or training under this chapter shall be available for examination by duly authorized representatives of the Government.