Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1290

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[72 Stat. 1248]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1248]


PUBLIC LAW 85-857-SEPT. 2, 1958

[72 S T A T.

5^ u*l*c^^i'*6 7 I- ^ ^ t of 1949, physicians, dentists, and nurses, on a temporary full-time,

  • 153.

part-time, or fee basis; and dietitians, social workers, librarians, and such other professional, clerical, technical, and unskilled personnel, in addition to personnel described in section 4103, paragraph (1) of section 4104, and section 4111, of this title on a temporary full-time or part-time basis at such rates of pay as he may prescribe. No temporary full-time appointment shall be for a period of more than ninety days. (b) The Administrator shall have authority to establish residencies and internships; to appoint qualified persons to such positions without regard to civil-service or classification laws, rules, or regulations; and to prescribe the conditions of such employment, including necessary training, and the customary amount and terms of pay during the period of such employment and training. § 4115. Regulations The Chief Medical Director with the approval of the Administrator, unless specifically otherwise provided, shall promulgate all regulations necessary to the administration of the Department of Medicine and Surgery and consistent with existing law, including regulations relating to travel, transportation of household goods and effects, and deductions from pay for quarters and subsistence; and to the custody, use, and preservation of the records, papers, and property of the Department of Medicine and Surgery. CHAPTER 75—VETERANS' CANTEEN Sec. 4201. 4202. 4203. 4204. 4205. 4206. 4207. 4208.


Purpose of Veterans' Canteen Service. Duties of Administrator with respect to Service. Operation of Service. Financing of Service. Revolving fund. Budget of Service. Audit of accounts. Service to be independent unit.

§ 4201. Purpose of Veterans' Canteen Service The Veterans' Canteen Service (hereafter in this chapter referred to as the "Service") in the Veterans' Administration is an instrumentality of the United States, created for the primary purpose of making available to veterans of the Armed Forces who are hospitalized or domiciled in hospitals and homes of the Veterans' Administration, at reasonable prices, articles of merchandise and services essential to their comfort and well-being. § 4202. Duties of Administrator with respect to Service The Administrator shall— (1) establish, maintain, and operate canteens where deemed necessary and practicable at hospitals and homes of the Veterans' Administration and at other Veterans' Administration establishments where similar essential facilities are not reasonably available from outside commercial sources; (2) establish, maintain, and operate such warehouses and storage depots as may be necessary in operating the canteens; (3) furnish the Service, without charge, rental, or reimbursement, for its use in connection with the establishment, maintenance, and operation thereof, such space, buildings, and structures under control of the Veterans' Administration as he may consider necessary, including normal maintenance and repair service thereon; (4) transfer to the Service without charge, rental, or reimbursement such necessary equipment as may not be needed for