Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1491

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[72 Stat. 1449]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1449]



PUBLIC LAW 85-861-SEPT. 2, 1958

" (6) Provision for payment by the patient of hospital expenses incurred for each admission under clause (1) in the amount of— (A) $25; or (B) the charge prescribed under section 1078(a) of this title multiplied by the number of days of hospitalization; whichever amount is greater. " (b) The Secretary of Defense, after consulting the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, may make such reasonable variances from the requirements of subsection (a) as he considers appropriate. However, a variance may not include outpatient care, or care other than that provided for in sections 1076-1078 of this title. "§ 1080. Contracts for medical care for spouses and children: election of facilities "A dependent covered by section 1079 of this title may elect to receive medical care either in (1) the facilities of the uniformed services, under the conditions prescribed by sections 1076-1078 of this title, or (2) the facilities provided under a plan contracted for under section 1079 of this title. However, under such regulations as the Secretary of Defense, after consulting the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, may prescribe, the right to make this election may be limited for dependents residing in the area where the member concerned is assigned, if adequate medical facilities of the uniformed services are available in that area for those dependents.

  • '§ 1081. Contracts for medical care for spouses and children:

review and adjustment of payments; reports "Each plan under section 1079 of this title shall provide for a review, and if necessary an adjustment of payments, by the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare not later than 120 days after the close of each year the plan is in effect. Not later than 90 days after each such review, the Secretary of Defense shall report to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives the amounts paid during the year covered by the review and the adjustments made. § 1082. Contracts for medical care for spouses and children: advisory committees "To carry out sections 1079-1081 of this title, the Secretary of Defense may establish advisory committees on insurance, medical service, and health plans, to advise and make recommendations to him. He shall prescribe regulations defining their scope, activities, and procedures. Each committee shall consist of the Secretary, or his designee, as chairman, and such other persons as the Secretary may select. So far as possible, the members shall be representative of the organizations in the field of insurance, medical service, and health plans. They shall serve without compensation but may be allowed transportation and a per diem payment in place of subsistence and other expenses. "§1083. Contracts for medical care for spouses and children: additional hospitalization "If a dependent covered by a plan under section 1079 of this title needs hospitalization beyond the time limits in that plan, and if the hospitalization is authorized in medical facilities of the uniformed services, he may be transferred to such a facility for additional hospitalization. If transfer is not feasible, the expenses of additional hospitalization in the civilian facility may be paid under such regulations as the Secretary of Defense may prescribe after consulting the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare.