Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1541

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[72 Stat. 1499]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1499]

72 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 85-86 1 - S E P T. 2, 1958

"(c) This section does not exclude from the promotion to which he would otherwise be entitled any reserve officer in whose case a medical board reports that— "(1) his physical disqualification for duty at sea or in the field was caused by wounds received in the line of duty; and "(2) these wounds do not incapacitate him for other duties in the grade to which he is to be promoted."; (B) by striking out the following item from the analysis: "5862. Mental, moral, and professional examination: examining boards; board members."

and inserting the following item in place thereof: "5862. Navy and Marine Corps: mental, moral, and professional examinations; examining board; board members; procedure.";

(C) by Striking out the following items from the analysis: "5863. Examining boards: procedure." "5866. Delegation of power of President to Secretary of the Navy."; and

(D) by adding the following new item at the end of the analysis: "5867. Naval Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve oflacers: moral, professional, and physical examinations."

(133) Subtitle C is amended by inserting the following new chapter after chapter 547: "CHAPTER 549.—RESERVE PROMOTIONS '•Sec. "5891. "5892. "5893. "5894. "5895. "5896. "5897. "5898. "5899. "5900. "5901. "5902. "5903. "5904. "5905. ".•1906. ",5907. "5908. "5909. "5910. ".5911. "5912.

OfBcers who may be promoted under this chapter. Numbers that may be promoted. Selection boards: composition. Selection boards: oath of members. Selection boards: information furnished to boards. Selection boards: officers to be recommended for promotion. Selection boards: reports; certification required. Selection boards: reports; submission to President. Eligibility for consideration by selection board: promotion zones. Communication with selection board. Numbers that may be recommended for promotion. Promotion lists; eligibility for promotion; date of rank. Failure of selection. Effect of erroneous omission of name from list furnished to selection board. Removal from promotion list. Effect of transfer to Inactive status list Pay and allowances. Ensigns: second lieutenants. Sea or foreifoi service not required. Promotions under regulations prescribed by Secretary. Promotions: temporary; permanent Appointing power.

"§ 5891. Officers who may be promoted under this chapter "(a) To be eligible for consideration for promotion by a selection board convened under this chapter, or for promotion under this chapter, an officer must be in an active status in the Naval Reserve or the Marine Corps Reserve. "(b) Except as provided in subsections (c), (d), and (e), a reserve officer who is on a lineal list maintained under section 5504 of this title is ineligible for promotion under this chapter and for consideration by a selection board convened under this chapter. "(c) A reserve officer who was eligible for consideration for promotion by a selection board convened under chapter 543 of this title, but whose name was not furnished to that board, may be considered by the corresponding selection board convened under this chapter to