Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1558

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[72 Stat. 1516]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1516]


PUBLIC LAW 85-861-SEPT. 2, 1958

[72 S T A T.

(165) The analysis of chapter 831 is amended— (A) by striking out the following item: "8212. Regular Air Force: strength in grade; temporary increases."

and inserting the following item in place thereof: "8212. Regular Air Force; Air Force Reserve; Air National Guard of United States: strength in grade; temporary increases.";

(B) by inserting the following new items: "8217. Reserves: commissioned officers in an active status. "8218. Reserves: strength in grade; general officers in an active status. "8219. Reserves: strength in grade; commissioned officers in grades below brigadier general in an active status. •

« "8230. Personnel detailed outside Department of Defense."; and

10 USC 8262.


(C) by striking out the word "women" wherever it appears therein and inserting the words "Air Force" in place thereof. (166) Chapter 833 is amended— (A) by amending section 8262(b) by striking out the figure "8638" and inserting the figure "972" in place thereof; (B) by adding the following new section after section 8262: § «« 8263. Voluntary extension of enlistment " (a) Under such regulations as the Secretary of the A i r Force may prescribe, the term of enlistment of a member of the Air Force may be extended, with his written consent, for a period of less than one year from the date of the expiration of his existing enlistment. " (b) While serving under an enlistment extended under this section, a member is entitled to the pay and allowances to which he would have been entitled if he had been discharged and reenlisted immediately after the expiration of his enlistment if it had not been so extended. "(c) The extension of a term of enlistment under this section does not deprive the member, upon discharge from that enlistment, of any right, privilege, or benefit to which he would have been entitled, at the expiration of the term, if it had not been so extended."; (C) by striking out the following item in the analysis: "8261. Air National Guard of United States: enlistment"

and inserting the following item in place thereof: "8261. Air National Guard of United States."; and

(D) by adding the following new item at the end of chapter analysis: •'8263. Voluntary extension of enlistment."

10 USC 8285.

(167) Section 8285 is amended to read as follows: §8285. Commissioned officers: original appointment; qualifica* tions " (a) To be eligible for original appointment in a commissioned grade in the Regular Air Force, except with a view to designation as ii medical or dental officer, and except as provided in section 9353(b) of this title, a person must— "(1) be a citizen of the United States; "(2) be at least 21 years of age,• "(3) be of good moral character; " (4) be physically qualified for active service; and "(5) have such other qualifications as the Secretary of the A i r Force may prescribe. In addition, to be eligible for original appointment with a view to designation as an Air Force nurse, a person must be a graduate of a hospital or university school of nursing and a registered nurse.