72 S T A T. ]
PUBLIC LAW 85-426-MAY 27, 1968
TITLE IV—INCREASES IN COMPENSATION OF POSTAL EMPLOYEES SEC. 401. The Postal Field Service Compensation Act of 1955, approved June 10, 1955 (Public Law 68, Eighty-fourth Congress), is hereby amended as follows: (a) I n section 301(a) strike out the Postal Field Service Schedule, and insert the following schedule:
70 Stat. 741. 39 USC 971,
IIPOSTAL F I E L D SERVICES C H E D U L E Per annum rates and steps
Level 1
$3,095 3,170 3,320 3,405 3,580 3,670 3,935 4,035 4,170 4,276 4,505 4,620 4,870 4,945 5,255 6,676 6,236 6,860 7,546 8,310 9,140 10,050 11,075 12,265 13,760 16,000 16,000"
Temporary rate
Temporary rate
Temporary rate
Temporary rate
Temporary rate
Temporary rate
Temporary rate
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
$3,205 3,285 3,436 3,525 3,705 3,800 4,070 4,176 4,305 4,415 4,656 4,776 5,036 6,110 5,440 6,876 6,450 7,096 7,806 8,690 9,440 10,350 11,375 12,565 14,060 15,300
$3,315 3,400 3,550 3,645 3,830 3,930 4,205 4,315 4,440 4,656 4,805 4,930 6,200 5,275 6,626 6,076 6,665 7.330 8,065 8,870 9,740 10,650 11,675 12,865 14,360 16,600
$3,425 3,616 3,666 3,765 3,955 4,060 4,340 4,455 4,575 4,696 4,956 5,085 5,365 5,440 5,810 6,275 6,880 7,565 8,326 9,150 10,040 10,950 11,975 13,155 14,660 16,900
$3,645 3,745 3,895 4,005 4,206 4,320 4,610 4,735 4,846 4,976 5,266 5,395 5,695 5,770 6,180 6,675 7,310 8,035 8,845 9,710 10,640 11,550 12,575 13,755 15,260
$3,535 3,630 3,780 3,885 4,080 4,190 4,475 4,696 4,710 4,835 5,105 5,240 6,530 6,606 5,996 6,475 7,096 7,800 8,585 9,430 10,340 11,250 12,276 13,456 14,960
$3,755 3,860 4,010 4,126 4,330 4,450 4,745 4,875 4,980 6,116 6,405 5,550 5,860 5,936 6,365 6,875 7,626 8,270 9,106 9,990 10,940 11,850 12,876
14, wa 15,560
(b) In section 302(a) strike out the Rural Carrier Schedule, and insert the following schedule: "RURAL CARRIER SCHEDULE Per annum rates and steps 1 Carriers in niral delivery service: Compensation per mile per annum for each mile up to 30 miles of route — For each mile of route over 30 mUes Temporary carriers In rural delivery service on routes to which no regular carrier is assigned: Fixed compensation per annum Compensation per mile per annum for each mile up to 30 miles of route -. For each mile of route over 30 miles Temporary carriers in rural delivery service on routes having regular carriers absent Substitute carriers in rural delivery service on routes having carriers absent with pay
$1,841 1,941
$1,896 2,001
$1,951 2,061
$2,006 2,121
$2,061 2,181
$2,116 2,241
$2,171 2,301
65 22
67 22
69 22
71 22
73 22
75 22
77 22
1,841 1,941 65 22
(') (•)
(0 (0
1 Basic c o m p e n s a t i o n a u t h o r i z e d for the regular carrier.
(c) I n section 302(c) strike out "$4,700" and insert "$5,165 during the period referred to in section 304(c) or $5,035 thereafter". (d) I n section 303(a) strike out the Fourth-Class Office Schedule and insert the following schedule: 98395-59-PT. I - 1 0
39 USC 972. 39 USC 973.