Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/415

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[72 Stat. 373]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 373]



PUBLIC LAW 85-530-JULY 18, 1958

porated (the corporation described in section 18 of this Act) as qualify for membership under section 5 of this Act and who are qualhed members of said board of administration, to wit: Harlan W. Barnes, Lewis Brake, Fred J. Hollenbeck, Reginald H. Murphy, Junior, Stanton L. Smiley, Catherine Sawyer, Emerson R. J. Follett, M. George Deutsch, Patrick F. O'Connor, Charles L. Gore, Arch MacIntyre, G. Edwin Slater, John E. Erickson, A. H. Ohlsen, and Arthur G. Estes. (c) Thereafter, the board of administration of the corporation shall consist of not less than seven members elected in the manner and for the term prescribed in the constitution and bylaws of the corporation. OFFICERS OF CORPORATION: SELECTION, TERMS, DUTIES

SEC. 8. The officers of the corporation shall be a national commander, a national senior vice commander, a national junior vice commander, a national quartermaster, a national adjutant (which latter two offices may be held by one person), a national judge advocate, nine regional vice commanders, and such other officers as may be prescribed in the constitution and bylaws. The officers of the corporation shall be selected in such manner and for such terms and with such duties and titles as may be prescribed in the constitution and bylaws of the corporation. PRINCIPAL OFFICE; TERRITORIAL SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES

SEC. 9. (a) The principal office of the corporation shall be located in Washington, District of Columbia, or in such other place as may be determined by the board of administration; but the activities of the corporation shall not be confined to that place, but may be conducted throughout the various States, the District of Columbia, and Territories and possessions of the United States. (b) The corporation shall have in the District of Columbia at all times a designated agent authorized to accept services of process for the corporation; and notice to or service upon such agent, or mailed to the business address of such agent, will be deemed notice to or service upon the corporation. DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME OR ASSETS TO MEMBERS; LOANS

SEC. 10. (a) No part of the income or assets of the corporation shall inure to any of its members or officers as such, or be distributed to any of them during the life of the corporation or upon its dissolution or final liquidation. Nothing in this subsection, however, shall be construed to prevent the payment of compensation to officers of the corporation or reimbursement for actual necessary expenses in amounts approved by the board of administration of the corporation. (b) The corporation shall not make loans to its officers or employees. Any member of the board of administration who votes for or assents to the making of a loan or advance to an officer or employee of the corporation, and any officer who participates in the making of such a loan or advance, shall be jointly and severally liable to the corporation for the amount of such loan until the repayment thereof. NONPOLITICAL NATURE OF CORPORATION

SEC. 11. The corporation and its officers and agents as such shall not contribute to or otherwise support or a.ssist any political party or candidate for public office.