Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/609

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[72 Stat. 567]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 567]

72 S T A T. ]


PUBLIC LAW 85-624-AUG. 12, 1958

" (d) Properties acquired for the purposes of this section shall continue to be used for such purposes, and shall not become the subject of exchange or other transactions if such exchange or other transaction would defeat the initial purpose of their acquisition. "(e) Federal lands acquired or withdrawn for Federal waterresource purposes and made available to the States or to the Secretary of the Interior for wildlife management purposes, shall be made available for such purposes in accordance with this Act, notwithstanding other provisions of law. "(f) Any lands acquired pursuant to this section by any Federal agency within the exterior boundaries of a national forest shall, upon acquisition, be added to and become national forest lands, and shall be administered as a part of the forest within which they are situated, subject to all laws applicable to lands acquired under the provisions of the Act of March 1, 1911 (36 Stat. 961), unless such lands are acquired to carry out the National Migratory Bird Management Program. "SEC. 4. Such areas as are made available to the Secretary of the Interior for the purposes of this Act, pursuant to sections 1 and 3 or pursuant to any other authorization, shall be administered by him directly or in accordance with cooperative agreements entered into pursuant to the provisions of the first section of this Act and in accordance with such rules and regulations for the conservation, maintenance, and management of wildlife, resources thereof, and its habitat thereon, as may be adopted by the Secretary in accordance with general plans approved jointly by the Secretary of the Interior and the head of the department or agency exercising primary administration of such areas: Provided, That such rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent with the laws for the protection of fish and game of the States in which such area is situated (16 U.S.C. sec. 664): Provided further, That lands having value to the National Migratory Bird Management Program may, pursuant to general plans, be made available without cost directly to the State agency having control over wildlife resources, if it is jointly determined by the Secretary of the Interior and such State agency that this would be in the public interest: And provided further, That the Secretary of the Interior shall have the right to assume the management and administration of such lands in behalf of the National Migratory Bird Management Program if the Secretary finds that the State agency has withdrawn from or otherwise relinquished such management and administration." SEC. 3. The Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. secs. 1001-1007, inclusive), is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section: "SEC. 12. When the Secretary approves the furnishing of assistance to a local organization in preparing a plan for works of improvement as provided for in section 3: " (1) The Secretary shall so notify the Secretary of the Interior in order that the latter, as he desires, may make surveys and investigations and prepare a report with recommendations concerning the conservation and development of wildlife resources and participate, under arrangements satisfactory to the Secretary of Agriculture, in the preparation of a plan for works of improvement that is acceptable to the local organization and the Secretary of Agriculture. "(2) Full consideration shall be given to the recommendations contained in any such report of the Secretary of the Interior as he may submit to the Secretary of Agriculture prior to the time the local organization and the Secretary of Agriculture have agreed on a plan for works of improvement. The plan shall include such of

National for e st lands.

16 USC 480-563, passim.

R u l e s and regulations.

60 Stat. 1080.

Wat ers hed p r o taction and flood preve ntion. 68 Stat. 666.

Report with recommendations.

W o r k s of provement.
