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LAW 85-724-AUG. 22, 1958
For pay, allowances, clothing, subsistence, transportation, travel and related expenses, as authorized by law, for personnel of the Army Reserve while on active duty under section 265 of title 10, United States Code, or undergoing Reserve training or while performing drills or equivalent duty, and for members of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps; subsistence for members of the Army Reserve for drills of eight or more hours' duration in any one calendar day; $222,759,000: Provided, That the Army Reserve personnel paid from this appropriation shall be maintained at an end strength of not less than three hundred thousand for the ^scal year 1959.
7OA stat,, 11.
For pay, allowances, clothing, subsistence, transportation, and travel, as authorized by law, for personnel of the Army National Guard while on duty under section 265 of title 10, United States Code, or while undergoing training or while performing drills or equivalent duties; expenses of training, organizing and administering the Army National Guard, including maintenance, operation, and alterations to structures and facilities; hire of passenger motor vehicles; personal services in the National Guard Bureau and services of personnel of the National Guard em.ployed as civilians without regard to their military rank, and the number of caretakers authorized to be employed under provisions of law (32 U.S.C. 709) may be such as is deemed necessary by the Secretary of the Army; subsistence for officers attending drills of eight or more hours' duration in any one calendar day; travel expenses (other than mileage), as authorized by law for Army personnel on active duty, for Army National Guard division, regimental, and battalion commanders while inspecting units in compliance with National Guard regulations when specifically authorized by the Chief, National Guard Bureau; supplying and equipping the Army National Guard of the several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia, as authorized by law; and expenses of repair, modification, maintenance, and issue of supplies and equipment (including airc r a f t); $342,093,000: Provided, That obligations may be incurred under this appropriation for training of units designated for early deployment under mobilization plans and for installation, maintenance, and operation of facilities for antiaircraft defense without regard to section 107 of title 32, United States Code: Provided further, That the Army National Guard shall be maintained at an average strength of not less than four hundred thousand for the fiscal year 1959. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT
For expenses necessary for basic and applied scientific research and development, including maintenance, rehabilitation, lease and operation of facilities and equipment, as authorized by law, $498,700,000, to remain available until expended. PROCUREMENT or EQUIPMENT AND MISSILES
For expenses necessary for the procurement, manufacture, and modification of missiles, armament, ammunition, equipment, vehicles, vessels, and aircraft for the Army and the Reserve Officers' Training Corps; purchase of not to exceed forty passenger motor vehicles for replacement only; expenses which in the discretion of the Secretary of the Army are necessary in providing facilities for production of
7OA Stat. ii.
70A Stat. eu.
7OA Stat. 599.