Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/800

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[72 Stat. 758]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 758]


PUBLIC LAW 86-726-AUG. 23, 1968

[72 S T A T


(b) The Board is empowered to issue such a permit if it finds that such carrier is fit, wilhng, and able properly to perform such air transportation and to conform to the provisions of this Act and the rules, regulations, and requirements of the Board hereunder, and that such transportation will be in the public interest. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT

(c) Application for a permit shall be made in writing to the Board, shall be so verified, shall be in such form and contain such information, and shall be accompanied by such proof of service upon such interested persons, as the Board shall by regulation require. NOTICE OF APPLICATION

(d) Upon the filing of an application for a permit the Board shall give due notice thereof to the public by posting a notice of such application in the office of the secretary of the Board and to such other persons as the Board may by regulation determine. Any interested person may file with the Board a protest or memorandum of opposition to or in support of the issuance of a permit. Such application shall be set for public hearing and the Board shall dispose of such application as speedily as possible. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PERMIT

(e) The Board may prescribe the duration of any permit and may attach to such permit such reasonable terms, conditions, or limitations as, in its judgment, the public interest may require. AUTHORITY TO MODIFY, SUSPEND, OR REVOKE

(f) Any permit issued under the provisions of this section may, after notice and hearing, be altered, modified, amended, suspended, canceled, or revoked by the Board whenever it finds such action to be in the public interest. Any interested person may file with the Board a protest or memorandum m support of or in opposition to the alteration, modification, amendment, suspension, cancellation, or revocation of a permit. TRANSFER OF PERMIT

(g) No permit may be transferred unless such transfer is approved by the Board as being in the public interest. TARIFFS OF AIR CARRIERS PILING OF T A R I F F S REQUIRED

SEC 403. (a) Every air carrier and every foreign air carrier shall file with the Board, and print, and keep open to public inspection, tariffs showing all rates, fares, and charges for air transportation between points served by it, and between points served by it and points served by any other air carrier or foreign air carrier when through service and through rates shall have been established, and showing to the extent required by regulations of the Board, all classifications, rules, regulations, practices, and services in connection with such air transportation. Tariffs shall be filed, posted, and published in such form and manner, and shall contain such information, as the Board shall by regulation prescribe; and the Board is empowered to reject