Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/836

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[72 Stat. 794]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 794]


PUBLIC LAW86-72ft-AUG. 23, 1968

[72 S T A T.


SEC. 1005. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, all orders^ rules, and regulations of the Board or the Administrator shall take effect within such reasonable time as the Board or Administrator may prescribe, and shall continue in force until their further order, rule, or regulation, or for a specified period of time, as shall be prescribed in the order, rule, or regulation: Provided, That whenever the Administrator is of the opinion that an emergency requiring immediate action exists in respect of safety in air commerce, the Administrator is authorized, either upon complaint or his own initiative without complaint, at once, if he so orders, without answer or other form of pleading by the interested person or persons, and with or without notice, hearing, or the making or filing of a report, to make such just and reasonable orders, rules, oi* regulations, as may be essential in the interest of safety in air commerce to meet such emergency: Provided further, That the Administrator shall immediately initiate proceedings relating to the matters embraced in any such order, rule, or regulation, and shall, insofar as practicable, give preference to such proceedings over all others under this Act. DESIGNATION OF AGENT FOR SERVICE

(b) I t shall be the duty of every air carrier and foreign air carrier to designate in writing an agent upon whom service of all notices and process and all orders, decisions, and requirements of the Board and the Administrator may be made for and on behalf of said carrier, and to file such designation with the Administrator and in the office of the secretary of the Board, which designation may from time to time be changed by like writing similarly filed. Service of all notices and process and orders, decisions, and requirements of the Administrator or the Board may be made upon such carrier by service upon such designated agent at his office or usual place of residence with like effect as if made personally upon such carrier, and in default of such designation of such agent, service of any notice or other process in any proceedings before said Administrator or Board or of any order, decision, or requirements of the Administrator or Board, may be made by posting such notice, process, order, requirement, or decision in the office of the Administrator or with the secretary of the Board. OTHER METHODS OF SERVICE

(c) Service of notices, processes, orders, rules, and regulations upon any person may be made by personal service, or upon an agent designated in writing for the purpose, or by registered mail addressed to such person or a^ent. Whenever service is made by registered mail, the date of mailing shall be considered as the time when service is made. SUSPENSION OR MODIFICATION OF ORDER

(d) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, the Administrator or the Board is empowered to suspend or modify their orders upon such notice and in such manner as they shall deem proper. COMPLIANCE W I T H ORDER REQUIRED

(e) I t shall be the duty of every person subject to this Act, and its agents and employees, to observe and comply with any order, rule, regulation, or certificate issued by the Administrator or the Board